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Netflix The Witcher (Season 3)

Too early for this, let Geralt story get pass 4 or 5 seasons before you start with prequels
Based on where they started the show, Geralt’s story is not that rich. The ladies have the juicier plot.

A 6 part series to answer some questions about Witcher mythology might not be a bad thing. Unless u want them to use a ton of flashbacks to fill in some gaps on the main show.
Cavill announced his revovery from a severe hamstring injury done this last December while performing a stunt on set of the filming of "The Witcher" 's second series, while giving us a summed-up infographical expose about the said injury, coupled by a tutorial of his daily revovery wprlout routine.

Let's be honest, the Black Suit and the Motherbox helped.
