The whole unfollowed/blocked/unfriended culture

Why do people make big ass deals over blocking/unfriending/unfriending people?

I get so sick and tired of seeing those posts and tweets about threatening to block people or some sense of accomplishment of blocking someone.

Shit is just narcissism personified.

Same as on this site when mf'ers make a big deal on who they got on ignore, who the fuck cares
The funniest is when they unfriend you and have the nerve to try to friend you back... like nah bitch, u good
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Humans crave attention, especually from other humans

No big deal

Rejection. humans are pack animals. for many, one of the worse things we can do to each other is reject or ignore each other.

Ooooweee this gelato vape is hittin.
I unfriended almost all the ppl i went to HS with on social media

I got sick of seeing them and their kids everyday when i couldnt care less about them.