You got it dude!
Geezus. This video is worse than those UFO videos
Yea. i dont got time this dumb shit
The agent who got choked out needs to testify under oath or they can gtfohwbs
Geezus. This video is worse than those UFO videos
Trump World has done their job. They shifted the focus from the fact that he wanted to let people into the rally with weapons then personally lead them to the Capitol to whether or not he grabbed a steering wheel and choked out a SS agent.
Agreed. Like the story is funny.
But what purpose does it really serve...other than to make him look silly. (Which he already is)
Plus i think his base loves it (not so much choking out the agent) but that he really, like REALLY wanted to go to the capital.
And i think he was fully prepared to march thru the capital w him ppl...and force pence to install him as potus
All white ppl talking, none with the heart to say it in person
Exactly... in fact he could pull up on them easier then they to himagreed 100%
idk why he is even releasing those now a days. No one gives af, they dont move the needle.
75% of those dudes are 400 lb pos, living in their moms basement and living off tv dinners...either pull up irl or gtfohwbs.