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The United States Capitol is under siege by Trump Supporters

Did you even watch the video I posted about the insurrectionists avoiding jail by pleading insanity? They talk about him in the video. He clearly has mental health issues. He needs to be in a hospital not jail.

I saw in the article that was posted it said he had mental health issues and was homeless. Cosign him needing to be in a hospital and not jail, especially if these other muthafuckas are gettin out and not being held.
Did you even watch the video I posted about the insurrectionists avoiding jail by pleading insanity? They talk about him in the video. He clearly has mental health issues. He needs to be in a hospital not jail.
Son took a metal pipe to some folks head.
Son took a metal pipe to some folks head.

Mental health issues and mob mentality. I was ready to throw him away with the rest of the coons but this one i feel sorry for. The rest (whites and coons alike) can spend years in jail for all that I care.

how's the leader of your group a snitch? whoever wants to follow him knowing this is dumb as fuck!
All D's have to do is not royally fuck things up to maintain their position.
Even if they did, at least their people haven't stormed the capital and etc.

Adapting and refinement is a crucial part of the success of white supremacy.
The Republican party needs to do something to rebrand themselves and rebuild their integrity.
Trump starting his own party would be a way for R's to separate themselves from domestic terrorists in the public eye.
A possible first step in R's rebuilding their reputation with the dominant society.
The same racism, but removing the extremist from the forefront.

we all know royally fucking up is what the dems do best
it’s in their DNA or something