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If you've never eaten raw noodles with the seasoning sprinkled in the package.
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If you aint open up your chip bag in AMPM and add the Nacho Cheese and Chili to it.


Just 50 cent extra yo!
when you had jobs like carry ladies bags to their car for a $1 outside grocery stores....
whe ur momma can't afford a baby sister so u in circumstances like this
If you haven't borrowed someone else' electricity.
If you had more than 1 pair of sneakers at a time.
If you have not eaten Vienna sausages
If you have never helped pay a household bill before you were 16( if you live here you have to contribute)
If you have never tasted canned milk.
If you have never eaten a free school lunch in the summer.
If you had more than 1 Easter outfit to choose from
when u spend the whole day at somebody apartments pool, cuz u know your parents not home....
nigga if playing with the hose int he back yard counted as going to the pool....

or better yet the fire hydrant