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The Sony Spider-Man Universe Thread

The recently released book The Story of Marvel Studios: The Making of the Marvel Cinematic Universe by Tara Bennett and Paul Terry goes into detail about the storied meeting between Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige and Sony's motion picture group chairperson, Amy Pascal over the fate of Spider-Man in film:

"With a good sense of how they would like to handle the character, Feige was ready for his lunch with Pascal. What he wasn't ready for was Pascal's reaction to his proposal. The meeting was in her office at Sony. As expected, Pascal wasted no time in expressing her strong desire to have Feige be more directly involved, creatively, in the making of Sony Pictures' The Amazing Spider-Man 3. Excited about the ideas her team currently had, Pascal said she would send Feige the latest draft. 'About halfway through the delicious sandwich that she had brought in, I said, 'Amy, in all fairness, it's not gonna work,'' shares Feige."

Unbeknownst to Pascal, Feige had drastically different ambitions for the character going forward, claiming to Pascal "why don't you let us do it:"

"'We've sort of done that before. And I don't think I'm particularly helpful there.' But Feige wasn't done; he had a counterproposal: 'The only way I know how to do anything is to just do it entirely. So why don't you let us do it? Don't think of it as two studios. And don't think of it as giving another studio back the rights. No change of hands of rights. No change of hands of money. Just engage us to produce it. Just pretend it's like what DC did with Christopher Nolan. I'm not saying we're Nolan, but I am saying there is a production company that is doing this pretty well. Just engage the services of that production company to make the movie.' Pascal was taken aback."

Pascal was, at first, quite upset by this, stating that "I think I started crying and threw him out of my office" but quickly came around to see the merit in Feige's ideas:

"'At first, I was super resentful," she admits. 'I think I started crying and threw him out of my office, or threw a sandwich at him - I'm not sure which.' Then she started to think it through. 'By the fifth [Spider-Man] movie, we weren't giving them anything new. And I have to be honest about it, we were trying so hard to be different, we even went into places to be different that we shouldn't have. We weren't fresh anymore.'"

Give all the Spidey properties to Marvel
Bruh Elektro is not that interesting a character to get his own movie. This some bullshit. Also if this does happen made me think Jamie Foxx most likely isn’t attached to that Spawn movie they keep faking like they’re gonna make

honestly I dont wanna see shit about MOST of his rogues if it doesnt have anything to do with Spiderman at all.
honestly I dont wanna see shit about MOST of his rogues if it doesnt have anything to do with Spiderman at all.
None of his rogues deserve their own movie! This just some more Sony trickery to keep the rights to Spider-Man.
Venom couldve possibly stood on his own.. AFTER a proper setup though
True yeah maybe but maybe they’ll do it better with Agent Venom possibly in the MCU if that’s the direction they’re gonna go
what would you guys think of them bringing back Andrew Garfield to be Spiderman in the Sony Verse and kept Tom Holland's Spidey in the MCU? I've seen some tweets about people wanting it but I'm not sure how smart that would be from a business perspective - having essentially 2 competing Spidermen franchises.
what would you guys think of them bringing back Andrew Garfield to be Spiderman in the Sony Verse and kept Tom Holland's Spidey in the MCU? I've seen some tweets about people wanting it but I'm not sure how smart that would be from a business perspective - having essentially 2 competing Spidermen franchises.

Would make more sense imo to have Marvel take either Peter or Miles and Sony take the other rather than having two Peter Parkers running around