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The songs u find corny thread

Eminem's whole last album can be posted

Substance, conscious message, introspect, emotion, passion, personal content is corny to u when it's Eminem a white artist

But it's not when a black rapper like Nas, 2pac, Lupe Fiasco, Kendrick, J Cole, Scarface etc do the same and make conscious introspective songs or albums

See it works both ways @5th Letter yes i understand that these females who hype up Eminem's substance, introspective, conscious songs like the songs are the saviour of man kind and delivered by God or something. Those female tweets i constantly used to post regarding those songs

But u can't fight ignorance with ignorance. No secure strong minded adults should let things like that especially young females doing that over hyping those songs from him if u wanna call it get them so insecure they got to then turn on Eminem's conscious, introspective, substance songs or albums based on the association they have of being over hyped by a bunch of females. That's weak mind state

And i'm not just calling out Ghostface for this many like @Fazeem @Like_Water @Busta Carmichael @CeLLar-DooR @DNB1 @Soul_Rattler @Loch121 @Ironman @Englishdude @Lou Cypher do the same
Was rocking to this in the car only yesterday, Nas was spitting a positive message to the kids with this one and it's a classic track.

I keep repeating my self it's about the execution this is what is key how a rapper executes the message

Nas executed it super corny as corny as u can get. Especially that hook, the choice of lyrics, the production, the song sounds gay too
I keep repeating my self it's about the execution this is what is key how a rapper executes the message

Nas executed it super corny as corny as u can get. Especially that hook, the choice of lyrics, the production, the song sounds gay too

Nothing gay about sending a positive message to the kids.
Aside from his music not sounding like hip hop music, these songs are why I think Eminem is super trash and could never listen to a song all the way through.