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The SIX different types of males: where do you think you stand?

I'm everything listed..lately more of a 2 on a good day and 5 on a bad one.life is go along get along....beta...and if you dont or sometimes do.
"Ohhhh chile. I'm Self-Assured, Driven, Intelligent, Diversified. What type a mans is you?"


1. Player - fucks girls

2. Pimp - Starts off with senses that other men don't have. He has to eat foods that make him attracted to men to use those senses. He fucks girls - and guys.

3. Gay Man - Has senses that other men don't have. He has to eat foods that make him attracted to men to use those senses. He gets fucked in the ass by other men, but doesn't knock people out and rape them. A Pimp fucks a Gay man in the ass, not the other way around.

4. Faggot - Gets castrated for knocking people out and raping them. A Faggot fucks - with a dildo.