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The Random Fact Thread

Thanks. I'll be alright, I just had a blood clot in my leg that broke and went up into both my lungs and my left lung got a good chunk of it and ended up killing the bottom of my lung. Spent 5 days in the hospital after 5 days of agony at home. I'm at my moms house for about a week as she makes sure I dont die for awhile, but I've been making progress every day. Basically just waiting for my lung to heal up so I can take deep breaths again. Besides that it just hurts to lay down as any pressure or weight on it hurts like hell so sleepings been a real bitch. Blood thinners make me exhausted af literally all day too. But feeling tiny bit better everyday so will just take some time

This mofo dropping titangraphs out here but can't hook us up with them random facts?! Shame on u Lou....

LOL nah get well fam, take it easy, step by step you'll get where u want to be.
Thanks. I'll be alright, I just had a blood clot in my leg that broke and went up into both my lungs and my left lung got a good chunk of it and ended up killing the bottom of my lung. Spent 5 days in the hospital after 5 days of agony at home. I'm at my moms house for about a week as she makes sure I dont die for awhile, but I've been making progress every day. Basically just waiting for my lung to heal up so I can take deep breaths again. Besides that it just hurts to lay down as any pressure or weight on it hurts like hell so sleepings been a real bitch. Blood thinners make me exhausted af literally all day too. But feeling tiny bit better everyday so will just take some time
What symptoms were you having before you found out?
What symptoms were you having before you found out?

So awhile before everything was happening, I noticed my left calf/shin was much larger than my right. I had pain after running on the treadmill and figured it was just swelling from that and paid it no attention, but leg swelling is a huge indicator.

One Saturday a few weeks back I woke up with a migraine. Slept it off all day. Sunday woke up with a headache but nothing major. Monday I woke up with a migraine so bad that I would have to kneel down after standing up because the blood rush hurt so badly. That migraine continued until Wednesday. Went to bed Wednesday with a minor headache, but I couldn't get comfortable at all. No matter how I laid, the pressure caused pain in my chest/back/side that made it super difficult to breathe. I was breathing at maybe a 3rd of my normal breathing. Got an appointment the next day, did x Ray's and saw black in my lung so they started treating me for pneumonia. Luckily I told them to do all my lab work but some of the labs didnt complete until Friday morning. Friday I woke up after struggling to sleep and was coughing up phlegm that looked like fresh blood. Was about to call my doc but she called me first saying my labs are unusually healthy for someone with pneumonia so she wanted me to to directly to the er especially after I told her about the bloody phlegm.

Went to er and they pulled me back immediately and did ct scans of my chest and ultrasounds on my heart and legs. Found a massive clot in my leg and 2 in my lungs and the bottom of my left lung was black from being deprived of oxygen. Admitted me to the hospital and put me on blood thinners then it was just lung pain after that. All I really noticed prior to all of it was just migraines and exhaustion though until the chest pain came.