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The Random Fact Thread

This dude is fucking INSANE!

At one point he was depressed and overweight and decided he wanted to join the armed forces (SEALs in particular if im not mistaken) and he was over the weight limit. He had to lose something crazy like 100lbs in 2 or 3 months and he did it. Just to pass a certain test, he had to run a 100 miles, no walking, no stopping, and complete under a certain amount of time. He had no previous experience running marathons at all before that day and he pushed himself and completed the 100 miles. When he went to the commander saying he completed, his response is "you stopped at 100?" Meaning 100 miles was the minimum he had to do. His entire body shut down and he had to be carried around by his wife for a few days. His organs were so overworked he was pissing blood and everything. Then he continued on to do some really awesome stuff. His story is fucking crazy and if anyone has time you should really check out the Podcast he did with Joe Rogan. dude is inspirational AF!

Its about 2 hours, but i promise its one of the best stories ive heard in a long time.