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What is likeability .... ?

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5.8 million raised in 24 hours.

A following of millions of people.

It takes more than policy to not only get elected but make the generational, systemic changes in our country that they are both proposing.

It takes a movement. And for people to like you and get behind your message.

Beto has likeability but he happens to not stand for anything.
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Or name recognition...
People are most "likeable" when they don't know who the fuck you are

Unfortunately likeability is a major factor

Can you do the job are u bold.. Elizabeth Warren is comfortable in her skin it shows and she appeals to middle America without sacrificing her appeal to minorities . That's an asset no one really has... They might have inherited but judging from her town hall she shows it.

Bernie should be as uncomfortable as he is I mean he gave first aid to Martin Luther King when he was assassinated
And with campaigning prowess and like likeability completely lacking.

Witch is sad because unlike pretty much all of her policies. She should be Bernie’s VP

This why I’m starting to think a Warren/Beto ticket could be pretty formidable. Their strengths and weaknesses complement each other.
Folks honestly might pull back since it's two white folks at this point. Gotta have a diverse ticket

A woman isn’t considered diversity in a presidential race anymore? Who are these people pushing specifically for nonwhite candidates? I personally haven’t heard anything like that. Beto and Warren are about as diverse as the options are, since I don’t think Harris or Booker have a snowball’s chance in hell.
Beto as the presidential candidate w Warren as VP would work too, bc it would allow him to shamelessly rip off her policy ideas
I like Bernie/ Warren

Vision. Overwhelming Support + Surgical policy acumen and a passion to keep the powerful accountable.

We’d get shit done.

Universal Healthcare
Wall Street / Corporate Reform
Getting Money out of Politics
Free Public Universities
Climate Change legislation
We may even get Universal Basic Income
Biden/beto ticket got the best chance imo, biden could pull those conservatives that are on the fence, plus those old white fucks that wont even think about voting a person of color, beto could get the young crowd, regardless tho whomever gets the bid im voting for them
Biden/beto ticket got the best chance imo, biden could pull those conservatives that are on the fence, plus those old white fucks that wont even think about voting a person of color, beto could get the young crowd, regardless tho whomever gets the bid im voting for them

I agree with you but...

We want to do more than just win.

That administration would surely uphold the status quo And corruption in Washington minus the overt bigotry and foreign policy ineptitude - upgrade over Trump ... but not good enough.

We got millions in economic ruin, a horrible healthcare system, a catastrophic climate threat and dozen other issues.

I think we can beat Trump while still getting things done.
Well...Dems gotta win back that Senate tho. Other half of the focus needs to be on that