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The Official World Politics Thread


dont matter yo
Kushner is so fucked lol. He's lucky he'll get pardoned.

Yeah......Jared is done for. Mueller has it set up to have these crimes to be tried in a New York State court......the NY governor (which is a Democrat the majority of the time) would be the only person that can pardon / commute certain crimes. The President can only pardon / commute sentences on crimes committed on a federal court level......Mueller playing chess outchea
What type of profit and how much possible investment?
you can make a nice profit here.

in switzerland a pair of $40 jeans goes for at least $70
problem is getting them here...since their customs people be on point for anyone coming from the states.

not so much with germany france and the UK

but jeans are still just as expensive.

lucky for me my house in PA is close to the outlets in lancaster and reading PA. SO i can get an even better discount.

shit between jeans , twinkies and reeses cups.....i few dollars is better than none.


Colbert Goes to Capitol Hill to Give Congress His Own ‘Memo’: ‘Devin Nunes Is a [REDACTED]’

Stephen Colbert made a trip to Capitol Hill recently in hopes to get to the bottom of the Russia investigation.

His first stop was with House Intelligence Committee Ranking Democrat Adam Schiff (D-CA) to “hear all the intel he couldn’t tell.”

Schiff told the Late Show host that he couldn’t tell him anything that hasn’t been made public yet, but that didn’t stop Colbert from trying to get “juicy stuff” out of the congressman, so much so that he attempted to decipher Schiff’s facial reactions to pictures he held up of Jared Kushner and Donald Trump Jr. to see if they were “guilty.” Sadly for Colbert, he did not get the answers he sought.

However, Colbert presented his own “memo” to Schiff which read the following:

Devin Nunes is a [REDACTED]

Colbert roamed around Capitol Hill and passed around copies of his “memo” to everyone he came across. He even taped a copy to Devin Nunes’ door.

He then popped into Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake‘s office, believing he was the “only Republican” that was willing to read his memo on TV.

“Do you have any guesses as to what it may say underneath?” Colbert asked.

“Californian?” Flake guessed. “Former dairy farmer?”

Former dairy farmer?” Colbert reacted. “Because he seems to be milking it right now.”

Devin Nunes Fires Back at Colbert For Mocking Him: ‘Great Example’ of Hollywood Attacking GOP

It would appear that House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-CA) is not a big fan of Late Show host Stephen Colbert.

For his Friday night show, Colbert filmed a skit in which he traveled to Capitol Hill to deliver his own “memo” to Intel Committee Ranking Member Adam Schiff(D-CA). Colbert’s memo said “Devin Nunes is a [REDACTED],” with the comedian telling Schiff that “we’re not allowed to release that information.” The late-night host also ran into Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), leading Colbert to make a joke about Nunes being a dairy farmer.

“Former dairy farmer? Really? Because he seems to be milking it right now,” he told Flake.

With Colbert’s segment obviously satirizing the dueling memos released from the committee in recent weeks, Nunes told Fox News’ Neil Cavuto this morning that this just shows that the left controls mainstream media, universities and entertainment and uses these institutions to go after conservatives.

“Yeah, well, I think this is the danger that we have in this country, this is an example of it,” Nunes said in response to Cavuto asking him his thoughts on the segment. “The left controls not only the universities in the country but also control Hollywood in this country and the mainstream media, so it is conservatives in this country are under attack and, I think, this is a great example of it.”

The California Republican added that he hopes they “continue to do it” because they have no proof that there was collusion between the Trump campaign and Russians while he and other GOPers have shown “clear proof” that Democrats colluded with Russians to spy on the Trump campaign.

“So I enjoy the attacks,” Nunes said.

Cavuto wanted to know if Colbert tried to reach out to Nunes for the segment. The lawmaker said not that he knew of but that he didn’t actually know.


Trump Reportedly Being Driven to ‘Pure Madness’ by Cable News Coverage of Recent WH Controversies

After a week of coverage on son-in-law’s Jared Kushner’s controversies, the announced departure of confidant and communications director Hope Hicks, and petty, public fights with his attorney general, President Donald Trump is reportedly being driven to “pure madness,” according to some administration officials.

In a report released tonight by the Washington Post, several White House staffers lamented Trump’s emotional state amid the constant controversies of 2018 and his “obsession with cable commentary.”

Based on off-the-record conversations with aides, reporters Philip Rucker, Ashley Parker, and Josh Dawsey described the current state of Trump’s administration as “the darkest days in at least half a year,” as those around him “worry just how much farther Trump and his administration may plunge into unrest and malaise before they start to recover.”

However, despite the current issues, one official who spoke to the newspaper suggested Americans haven’t seen the worst of it yet, saying, “We haven’t bottomed out.”

While doubt swirls around the inside of the White House, criticism continues to be leveled against it. Barry McCaffrey, a retired four-star general, went after the president, telling the Post, “I think the president is starting to wobble in his emotional stability and this is not going to end well. Trump’s judgment is fundamentally flawed, and the more pressure put on him and the more isolated he becomes, I think, his ability to do harm is going to increase.”

Additionally, the president has raised questions over Kushner’s current business and security clearances controversies:

Trump has been asking people close to him whether they think Kushner or his company has done anything wrong, according to a senior administration official. Two advisers said the president repeatedly tells aides that the Russia investigation will not ensnare him — even as it ensnares others around him — and that he thinks the American people are finally starting to conclude that the Democrats, as opposed to his campaign, colluded with the Russians


Trump Says Rep. Maxine Waters Needs ‘An IQ Test’ At Gridiron Dinner

President Donald Trump on Saturday night addressed the annual Gridiron Club Dinner, an event he skipped last year and one known for presidential humor.

Though he poked fun at his own administration’s dysfunction (“It’s been really another calm week at the White House”), Trump saved some of his sharpest lines for Democrats, including when he said of Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA): “She has to immediately take an IQ test.”

Separately, Trump referenced former Vice President Joe Biden’s line during the 2016 campaign that “I wish we were in high school, I could take him behind the gym.” Biden made the remark following the release of footage from a taping of NBC’s “Access Hollywood” in which Trump said he kissed and groped women without their consent.

“There’s talk about Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, getting into the race,” Trump said. “You know what he said, ‘I want to take him behind the barn.’”

“Just trust me, I would kick his ass,” the President, 71, said of Biden, 75.

“Boy, would he be easy,” Trump added. “Oh, would he be easy.”

Yahoo News’ Hunter Walker was the assigned print pool reporter for the event. He shared a transcript of Trump’s remarks with TPM in an email and noted: “As per tradition, the overall tone was joking and the transcript includes breaks for laughter.”

Trump Praises China’s President For Gaining Power For Life: ‘Maybe We’ll Give That a Shot Some Day’

President Donald Trump seemingly voiced interest in making the commander-in-chief role a lifetime position at a closed-door fundraiser on Saturday night, praising Chinese President Xi Jinping for recently consolidating lifetime power in his country.

“He’s now president for life,” Trump said at Mar-a-Lago in an audio recording obtained and published in transcript form by CNN. “President for life. And he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll give that a shot some day,”

Despite Trump’s praise for the “great” Chinese president, Xi Jinping’s record in human rights is less than seller. According to humanitarian watchdog group Human Rights Watch, his leadership has been notably brutal: “Under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, who will remain in power until 2022 and possibly beyond, the outlook for fundamental human rights, including freedoms of expression, assembly, association and religion, remains dire.”

While Trump may have just been wildly riffing — as he has been known to do in his off-script speaking events — the president continued the bizarre comments by attacking his former political rival Hillary Clinton and suggesting she should not have escaped her FBI investigation.

“I’m telling you, it’s a rigged system folks,” Trump said while discussing Clinton’s alleged criminal behavior. “I’ve been saying that for a long time. It’s a rigged system. And we don’t have the right people in there yet. We have a lot of great people, but certain things, we don’t have the right people.”

He continued his comments on Clinton, saying, “Is Hillary a happy person? Do you think she’s happy?” he said. “When she goes home at night, does she say, ‘What a great life?’ I don’t think so. You never know. I hope she’s happy.”

The CNN report concluded with Trump attacking the last Republican president, George W. Bush. “Here we are, like the dummies of the world, because we had bad politicians running our country for a long time,” he said — later calling the Iraq War “the single worst decision ever made” akin to “throwing a big fat brick into a hornet’s nest.”