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These firings, decisions on Syria / Afghanistan that were made by Trump shows how irrational and impulsive he is. Can somebody please tell me any successful business that has a CEO that makesirrational / impulsive decisions without consulting subject matter experts, etc. We now see firsthand why alot of his businesses went bankrupt......this is crazy.
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These firings, decisions on Syria / Afghanistan that were made by Trump shows how irrational and impulsive he is. Can somebody please tell me any successful business that has a CEO that make irrational / impulsive decisions without consulting subject matter experts, etc. We now see firsthand why alot of his businesses went bankrupt......this is crazy.
Lavar ball....oh wait

Candace Owens says Trump will 'crack the black vote' because he loves America and 'the left hates' it

WEST PALM BEACH, Florida — Candace Owens, director of communications for the conservative advocacy group Turning Point USA, is confident Donald Trump will persuade black voters to leave the Democratic Party.

"I'm telling you, Donald Trump is going to be the Republican president who's going to crack the black vote," Owens told INSIDER on Wednesday at Turning Point USA's annual Student Action Summit here.

"You can put that in writing," she added.

'Telling us the other person is racist is the only way they seize the black vote'
"All I have to do is show black Americans the trend, of how it started from the very beginning. How every four years, [Democrats] don't talk to us about the issues in our community. ... They talk to us about issues they create in our community and tell us to hyper-focus on things they're never going to fix," Owens said.

Owens said Democrats repeatedly win over black voters by emotionally manipulating them with discussions of police brutality, which she said is "not a major issue facing black Americans today," and other racially charged topics.

She rejected the notion she's painted the vast majority of black voters as an irrational cohort, and she said they're simply not being "taught the issues."

"It's the race issue in general," Owens said. "Race and scaring us in terms of race and telling us the other person is racist is the only way they seize the black vote."

"And look, where are we at? Black Americans are doing worse off economically today than we were doing in the 1950s under Jim Crow. How is that possible? We've only been voting for one party since then," she added.

It's unclear what Owens was referring to in this regard. The black unemployment rate in 1954, the earliest year for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics has consistent unemployment data by race, was 9.9%. Today, it's roughly 5.9%, according to the latest available data.

Owens also went on to say that Trump has already made things better for people of color, referencing the low unemployment rate for black Americans.

But fact-checkers have repeatedly noted the black unemployment rate began to fall drastically under former President Barack Obama, saying the low rate under Trump is largely a continuation of that trend.

'The left hates America, and Trump loves it'
Owens believes Trump will win over black voters because he has a more positive, appealing message. She's not concerned Trump currently has a 10% approval rating among black Americans, according to Gallup.

"The left hates America, and Trump loves it," Owens said. "That's why people flocked to him."

"They're destroying everything through this cultural Marxist ideology, and Trump is the opposite of that, and that's going to catch because it feels better," Owens added.

She said the media's a big part of the problem, as well, and too often makes broad generalizations about Trump, especially when it comes to race.

"Show me where Trump is racist? If he is racist he's failing at it miserably," Owens said.

When asked whether she found it problematic that far-right groups have often praised Trump, such as when the Ku Klux Klan's official newspaper endorsed him for president in 2016, Owens said Antifa is more prevalent than the KKK.
She said the media's a big part of the problem, as well, and too often makes broad generalizations about Trump, especially when it comes to race.

"Show me where Trump is racist? If he is racist he's failing at it miserably," Owens said.

When asked whether she found it problematic that far-right groups have often praised Trump, such as when the Ku Klux Klan's official newspaper endorsed him for president in 2016, Owens said Antifa is more prevalent than the KKK.

Now that 45 has pulled the troops out of Syria and planning for reduced troops in Afghanistan......it wouldn't surprise me if Mattis (or someone in his chain that is also resigning in the future) heads up efforts with Erik Prince to have Blackwater / Triple Canopy or a similar version in that region. Those Trump supporters/warhawks, in this FB group I am member of, are really excited about possibly getting hired to come work over here. In order to secure new contracts, most of your Program Managers for govt defense contractors are recently retired high-ranking officers that have clout with the military members that award contracts, etc.