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3rd Cavanaugh accuser. Says him and his boys used to get girls drunk and run trains on them. Said there would be a line of boys outside the door waiting their turn. Also said there's no way he was a virgin until after high school.

All this per Bloomberg story.
"I have a firm recollection of seeing boys lined up outside rooms at many of these parties waiting for their 'turn' with a girl inside the room. These boys included Mark Judge and Brett Kavanaugh," Julie Swetnick says in her statement.

So she either witnessed a gang rape or a train
She was in his vicinity at Beach Week?

Cavanaugh must have been pretty popular for this chick to always be where he was in high school, lol.

Kavanaugh On Latest Allegation: ‘Ridiculous And From The Twilight Zone’

David Taintor
September 26, 2018 12:35 pm

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh dismissed a new allegation of misconduct against him on Wednesday, saying: “This is ridiculous and from the Twilight Zone. I don’t know who this is and this never happened.”


Schumer: ‘Strongly Believe’ Kavanaugh ‘Should Withdraw From Consideration’

Matt Shuham

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called on Senate Republicans to suspend Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation proceedings following more allegations against Kavanaugh made by Julie Swetnick Wednesday.

Read Schumer’s statement below:

Republicans need to immediately suspend the proceedings related to Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination, and the president must order the FBI to reopen the background check investigation. There are now multiple, corroborated allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, made under the penalty of perjury, all of which deserve a thorough investigation.

“I strongly believe Judge Kavanaugh should withdraw from consideration. If he will not, at the very least, the hearing and vote should be postponed while the FBI investigates all of these allegations. If our Republican colleagues proceed without an investigation, it would be a travesty for the honor of the Supreme Court and our country.”

Damn, he got out there quick on this one. Must really be a threat.

I think this is the first time he has addressed Avenatti in any capacity........45 must be really shook because a majority of things that Avenatti has predicted (associated with the Mueller probe / Stormy Daniels, Michael Cohen, etc) has come to fruition and he comes with facts

Graham: ‘Lawyer To Porn Stars’ Has ‘Taken This Debacle To An Even Lower Level’

Nicole Lafond

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) took a page from President Trump’s book and lashed out against lawyer Michael Avenatti in response to new allegations against Brett Kavanaugh.

In a statement on Wednesday, Graham called Avenatti a “lawyer to porn stars” — he represents Stormy Daniels, who has alleged a sexual affair with Trump — who had “taken this debacle to an even lower level.”

He also went on to question the latest accuser’s story, saying he has a “difficult time believing” someone who attended multiple parties “where women were routinely gang raped and not report it.”

Read the full statement below:

“Judge Kavanaugh has just emphatically denied the recent allegation being levied by Michael Avenatti and his client. He says he does not know the woman in question and emphatically denies the accusations. I would remind everyone that dozens of women who knew Judge Kavanaugh during the time period in question completely vouch for his good character.

“Mr. Avenatti first tweeted Sunday night that he had new and explosive information, and he was immediately contacted by the Senate Judiciary Committee to provide information. He has chosen to release these claims the day before Mrs. Ford’s hearing and two days before a vote.

“From my view, just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, it just did. The lawyer to porn stars has just taken this debacle to an even lower level. I hope people will be highly suspicious of this allegation presented by Michael Avenatti.

“I have a difficult time believing any person would continue to go to – according to the affidavit – ten parties over a two-year period where women were routinely gang raped and not report it. I also find it curious these charges were not brought forward until 2018, two days before a confirmation vote.

“Why would any reasonable person continue to hang around people like this? Why would any person continue to put their friends and themselves in danger? Isn’t there some duty to warn others?

“This is outrageous, internally inconsistent, and I hope the U.S. Senate will see this for the smear campaign that it is.

“It is outrageous to suggest that Brett Kavanaugh at any time in his life behaved this way. His life is inconsistent with any of these allegations. All women who have worked with and for Brett Kavanaugh when he was in a position of power have nothing but glowing things to say about the way he has conducted himself.

“This is a decent man who has lived an honorable life and is being smeared by the likes of Michael Avenatti.

“I very much believe in allowing people to be heard. But I am not going to be played, and I’m not going to have my intelligence insulted by the Michael Avenattis of the world. I will not be a participant in wholesale character assassination that defies credibility.

“If Republicans bail out on this good man because of the smears and character assassination perpetrated by Michael Avenatti, we deserve our fate.”

Dem Jeff Merkley Files Lawsuit Over Docs To Halt Kavanaugh’s Confirmation
Nicole Lafond

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) has filed a lawsuit alleging the refusal to release all the documents related to Brett Kavanaugh’s record is a violation of the Constitution.

In the suit, Merkley asks the courts to intervene and halt Kavanaugh’s confirmation process until all the of documents — like those related to his time working for the George W. Bush administration that the White House has refused to release — are made public.

“The events of the past 10 days have only underscored how critical it is that the Senate conduct a careful and comprehensive review of a nominee before giving its consent,” Merkley said in a statement. “But this President has gone to lengths never seen before to make sure we can’t do that job. The unprecedented obstruction of the Senate’s advice and consent obligation is an assault on the separation of powers and a violation of the Constitution. The President and Mitch McConnell want to ram through this nomination come hell or high water, without real advice or informed consent by the Senate, but that’s just not how our Constitution works.”
Why does it matter if he's represented a porn star? I see it more so as going against the President as opposed to him representing a porn star.
Why does it matter if he's represented a porn star? I see it more so as going against the President as opposed to him representing a porn star.

It really doesn't matter but they have to talk shit to keep the show going and give their base something to go along with.

He's literally saying its ok that the president fucked a porn star and paid her off but representing a porn star is reprehensible. They know most of the people who already support them either not going to look at it that way or see it that way but just not give a fuck cause they all about maga.

A national women’s advocacy group on Tuesday evening projected messages critical of Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh on the federal courthouse where he works in Washington.

“Kavanaugh is a sexual predator,” said one message, displayed on the E. Barrett Prettyman Courthouse by the advocacy group UltraViolet for about 30 minutes. Other messages said Kavanaugh “lied every time he testified” and “must withdraw.”

It really doesn't matter but they have to talk shit to keep the show going and give their base something to go along with.

He's literally saying its ok that the president fucked a porn star and paid her off but representing a porn star is reprehensible. They know most of the people who already support them either not going to look at it that way or see it that way but just not give a fuck cause they all about maga.
True. When Avenatti was on Fox he said this exact thing about Trump fucking a porn star, sans condom at that, but they ridicule him for representing the porn star.