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The Official Elon Musk Thread

He doesn’t want to kill Twitter.. You think his Saudi buddies who helped him finance the purchase of Twitter.. Will be happy with seeing their money going down the drain.. Also Captain Apartheid wants to use Twitter to promote some of his scam businesses involved in bitcoin.. Plus he wants to use it to slyly push his white supremacist ideology & conspiracy theories along with political candidates that him and racist libertarian Silicon Valley friends support…
I’m not saying he wants to kill Twitter, just that when it inevitably dies he’ll claim that was the goal all along.
Elon Musk is literally using twitter to control what and how much information people see when using it. Literally doing the same shit some of his fan boys swore he wasn't going to do despite all the evidence to the contrary. I've said it before but just reading the 1st few pages of this thread is hilarious seeing how some posters here bought into the Elon is a genius and lets wait and see mindset.