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The Official Elon Musk Thread

Well yea because he lowballed it so they didn't take him serious. He's pretty much just trolling until he gives a more serious offer
Mans about to let everyone run wild on twitter.

To which, some of yall gonna say so what? Its free speech. But it dont really work that way.

Mfers claiming 2+2=5 is their own science and then getting mfers to believe in wild conspiracies and then letting them shits bubble up and turn violent is a good look for a healthy society.

Letting shit we all agree to be dangerous, like racist nationalism run all up in twitter is a bad look, cause that shits gonna fuck society up.

Letting Russian bots wild out and impact elections in our countries is a bad a look.

Twitter doesnt do a good job cleaning all that shit up to begin with. But with Musk in charge, all them shits gonna be a free for all.
“Free speech” only applies to govt entities….that’s never been a thing on Twitter just like it never was on NBC

Not really. Not all free speech should be allowed just under the guise of free speech.

Like the govt cant come and arrest you for having your own science. And they shouldnt be allowed too.

With that said, a platform like twitter shouldnt allow mfers to come with their "Covid is a punishment from God" and take Horse Dewormer for it cause they getting paid by pharmecuticals under the table.

At some point, you gotta limit the reach of mfers that are saying some super dangerous shit.

And Musk gonna do the opposite.