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The Official Elon Musk Thread

Dave long ago took this "I'm gonna try to piss people off instead of be funny" turn too far. Now he out here with Elon Musk...that fight for white approval is a dangerous game
The fuck has Musk done? Dave isn't looking for anyone's approval.

But i swear alot others immediately run for the approval of the powers that be to attack anyone who goes their own lane. Same shit as Kyrie.
The fuck has Musk done? Dave isn't looking for anyone's approval.

But i swear alot others immediately run for the approval of the powers that be to attack anyone who goes their own lane. Same shit as Kyrie.

Lol at what has Elon Musk done like he ain't got a Chris Jehrico long list of foul shit. How those "Elon won't ruin twitter" predictions work out for you with all the money he's lost it?
Lol at what has Elon Musk done like he ain't got a Chris Jehrico long list of foul shit. How those "Elon won't ruin twitter" predictions work out for you with all the money he's lost it?
Ruined how? I see the usual internet wannbe bullies on Twitter ironically, still posting there. So much for leaving. My investment is doing fine.

It's just funny how easily they can tell people to "go after this dude" and so many listen. People still driving Teslas trying to act like they aren't just going with what they're told. Society is a parody of itself
Ruined how? I see the usual internet wannbe bullies on Twitter ironically, still posting there. So much for leaving. My investment is doing fine.

It's just funny how easily they can tell people to "go after this dude" and so many listen. People still driving Teslas trying to act like they aren't just going with what they're told. Society is a parody of itself

Maybe because he's fucking up something people enjoyed. And yes there's actual changes to how Twitter has been running that made it noticeably worse based on decisions he's directly responsible for. And that isn't even touching the ad revenue he keeps losing
Imean is that not enough.. a rightwing son of apartheid billionaire man child and rogan who traffics in alot of garbage he was a Yang supporter outside of Yangs first 5 minutes

so that's two right wing sumbags.. dunno if I would classify dave as palling around with them but the way you worded it made me think there was some sort of pattern here outside of those two jackasses
so that's two right wing sumbags.. dunno if I would classify dave as palling around with them but the way you worded it made me think there was some sort of pattern here outside of those two jackasses
Imean does it need to be 3 lol wth man lol and damn he didnt just get booed it was 10 minutes straight
Maybe because he's fucking up something people enjoyed. And yes there's actual changes to how Twitter has been running that made it noticeably worse based on decisions he's directly responsible for. And that isn't even touching the ad revenue he keeps losing
How's he fucking it up? Dude barely took over Twitter. We all have two eyes, and can see this is just the cancel culture weirdos being mad that they're blue checkmarks aren't put on a pedestal anymore. The same weirdos who say they're leaving Twitter and still staying tweeting 24/7. And the polticos who use social media put whatever agendas big money wants them to.

I'm not cool asking white people what I can or can't say on social media, why is anyone? We're all fucking adults, if someone doesn't want to read something....then don't. It's funny Talib's ban came up in this topic, because that's a perfect example of how much bullshit has been done, he should have never been banned to begin with. Everyone was cool with Musk...until they were told not to be. Everyone is cool with Dave, but those weirdos been mad since the trans jokes, and they got upset because he called out the hypocrisy by the media towards black celebritie's like Kyrie. So I guess he's next. And the usual suspects with do what they tell them to do. All while driving their Teslas, or posting tweets. Mindless
First of all, let's get this out of the way.

Nobody enjoyed using Twitter past 2015, the days when people didn't treat the internet like a "real place".

Now the internet is a "real place", with stupid ass rules, regulations and norms and now people, like any other arena, fight over who can say what and who can say what has a real world economic impact. People don't use social media to find new shit, learn about cool shit and shoot the shit anymore. They use it as a battleground for whatever politics they have. They enjoy the highs and lows of battling their opposition on the fucking internet.

Elon Musk is just a dumbass attention whore that decided to inject himself in the middle of this shit.

He didn't ruin Twitter. Twitter was already ruined along with the rest of the internet when people started to impose social norms and rules of engagement instead of just fucking logging off.

Lol like if someone called you a slur or whatever, you said some hateful ass shit back or SWAT their house or order 50 pizzas in their name.

Now motheruckers dig up 10 year old tweets and try to get you fired soon as they find out something good happened in your life.

Who the fuck wanna be on platforms with people like that?

The same people that says Elon ruined Twitter, ruined every fucking site they flock to.

I much rather deal with the 4chan bigots than the SJWs and liberals that want corporations to silence and fire people they don't like and use the internet for their fucking witchhunts.

The 4channers are not the problem with social media and the internet. It's the fucking right-wingers and left-wingers bringing their stupid political shit to every single mass site and turning it political.
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