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The official Du Family baby pool betting thread

Another fun fact. I was born on my son's due date, and he was born on my due date.
I need to know some thangs like is @LadyDu carrying high or low?
What cravings?
Can I dangle a string above your belly and watch the circle pattern?
she's carrying low....much lower than with our first son..

she also thinks her abdominal muscle tore....

she lost like 20 pounds this pregnancy, but the baby is more than healthy...so she's alllllll belly

she's been eating peanut butter and bananas a lot lately

she was craving pickles earlier.....

the first baby craved greasy shit like chilli dogs and chilli fries

and she was much much much sicker the first pregnancy....she's just physically drained this time around

her feet haven't swollen, and that's a plus... but her bones always popping.....
5k it's a boy.

After reading @Dupacalypse's reasons hoping for a boy, I am now really hoping it's a girl.


But I think it's boy.

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she's carrying low....much lower than with our first son..

she also thinks her abdominal muscle tore....

she lost like 20 pounds this pregnancy, but the baby is more than healthy...so she's alllllll belly

she's been eating peanut butter and bananas a lot lately

she was craving pickles earlier.....

the first baby craved greasy shit like chilli dogs and chilli fries

and she was much much much sicker the first pregnancy....she's just physically drained this time around

her feet haven't swollen, and that's a plus... but her bones always popping.....
girl girl girl

I'm speaking it into the universe
wait...you have to place separate bets on the sex and the weight

even if they are the same amount, list out your amount please
she's carrying low....much lower than with our first son..

she also thinks her abdominal muscle tore....

she lost like 20 pounds this pregnancy, but the baby is more than healthy...so she's alllllll belly

she's been eating peanut butter and bananas a lot lately

she was craving pickles earlier.....

the first baby craved greasy shit like chilli dogs and chilli fries

and she was much much much sicker the first pregnancy....she's just physically drained this time around

her feet haven't swollen, and that's a plus... but her bones always popping.....

thank you
Imma go with 3k on a boy
wait...you have to place separate bets on the sex and the weight

even if they are the same amount, list out your amount please
you better keep a rolling tally in the OP
I am...but im waiting until the labor thing just in case mofos wanna change it...
she's due on April 27th.

For our son she was due on August first, but dropped July 17th. Which is exactly 15 days early.

Doctor said when you drop the first early, the second usually comes early too....

so i'm thinking something like April 15th
Oh and the baby shower is April 1rst... PM me if you want registry info
Y'all made a whole thread! Lol

Looks like @Dupacalypse covered a lot of questions but here's what I can think of...

My first...
Was 6lbs 12oz

Came at about 37 weeks

I weighed about 15 lb lighter after lil du was born

This one;

feels very similar in almost all aspects of the pregnancy with the exception of..

This one moves ALOT more in the belly

And I am super emotional like I cried watching a Colgate commercial (don't ask why I don't know)

And in slight contrast to what du said about being sicker the first time around I don't feel that way, I feel like since this is the second time I am tolerating the sickness better since I know what to expect.

My cravings are slightly different. I think this time I'm not as picky again because I know what to expect

I would say I'm carrying low; feels like they are going to just fall right while I'm walking.

At my last sonogram baby was just 4lbs

Don't remember who asked when he shot up the club lol but we started trying in Aug I knew by the beginning of September.

During both pregnancies;
I lost lots of weight the first like 6 months and then maintained that weight (so far).

Had lots of sciatic nerve and pelvic split issues ( that might be TMI for the men but my fellow mommies will know what I mean)

Food and I didn't/ don't get along.

I won't place an official bet but my gut tells me it's a boy and he's gonna be a bigger one Id say about 8lbs from all the fat he sucked outta me lol

We will get some clothed belly shots for those of you that wanna see... Best of luck to y'all

Oh and to the winner...I want my cut!
she's due on April 27th.

For our son she was due on August first, but dropped July 17th. Which is exactly 15 days early.

Doctor said when you drop the first early, the second usually comes early too....

so i'm thinking something like April 15th

If she does, she's a real one