The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

  • Ether
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Yo i think i had the coronavirus late last year but im iight now
See the source image
There was a patent for the coronavirus was filed in 2015, & granted in 2018. Some of their major funders are the World Health Organization & the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Biological Warfare is real. NEW WORLD ORDER is real.
dumbass, coronaviruses are a GROUP of viruses. the patent filed for the "coronavirus" is for a different virus in the SAME family.

dumbass, coronaviruses are a GROUP of viruses. the patent filed for the "coronavirus" is for a different virus in the SAME family.


If they would just name it officially it wouldn't be a problem. Stop purposefully being deceiving then complaining when niggas call it out.
How about ...don't eat bats......

These dumb asses bout to cause the 2nd black plague cause they want to eat flying rats.

I said this to a nigga a couple hours ago. He talking about people being racist against Chinese. I'm sorry but who told these niggas to eat bats.

The shit keeps happening. Different animal at the root everytime. Stop eating shit just because you can catch it.

This isn't happening in a third world country with terrible conditions. They paid to eat those bats.

Stop eating anything and clean those nasty ass wet markets up.
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LOL, okay..the fact that made you upset protecting something you pulled off google is hilarious

Ahhh typical moron reply. Think im triggered by something that took me 30 secs to pull up and post.

The CDC is not something just “pulled” off of google, but noo stick to your dumbass tinfoil conspiracy theory about something that literally isn’t true if you just learned how to READ.

you negros with your mental defects believing every post with more than 15k retweets on twitter killing society more than Trump and his imbecile fanbase
Nigga cant even type

i’m pulling up the actual patent

New world retardation is a real disease folks, worse than the coronavirus. don’t let your children have social media accounts if they barely passed the 4th grade, that bad ass english you got going on.
i started researching chinese history and their relationship with exotic foods, especially bats and certain cats and i understand somewhat why they enjoy these foods because its tied into politics and centered on tradition

but they gotta stop all that shit tbh. its too risky and puts countless ppls lives in danger.

i feel sorry for the folxs that lost their lives