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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

My grandma got Covid, smh. She basically raised me. She’s my mother really.

It’s really depressing, but I know God’s got her. She’s 82 and in a nursing home so one of the nurses brought it in cause they been on lockdown since February.

I don’t know what to think or do. Just keep praying I guess.
My grandma caught covid-19 3 weeks ago and passed away last night.

I have a big family and this the first one in the family who's died.

I've never felt a pain or hurt like this
My condolences bro. Mine was just diagnosed.

When she first got it was she fine then declined? My grandma is feeling fine so trying to gauge what the possibilities are from here. I have faith she’ll be fine, but I’m the type person that wants info too.

I thought the plan was just the elderly and the other risks groups could take the vaccine? That seems to be the plan here in The Netherlands - similar with the flu shots of several years back where the risk groups can get a vaccine first and the rest afterwards - But judging from all the Rona related posts it seems like Yall got a completely different covid beast...

There has been a massive (recorded) increase regarding infected people over here since about half July but no significant increase in hospitalisations whatsoever because most of the infected are not in the risk groups...
I thought the plan was just the elderly and the other risks groups could take the vaccine? That seems to be the plan here in The Netherlands - similar with the flu shots of several years back where the risk groups can get a vaccine first and the rest afterwards - But judging from all the Rona related posts it seems like Yall got a completely different covid beast...

There has been a massive (recorded) increase regarding infected people over here since about half July but no significant increase in hospitalisations whatsoever because most of the infected are not in the risk groups...

To add: the EU has pre ordered - lol - 300 million vaccines from AstraZeneca, which supposedly would have a working vaccine - like several other producers - by the end of this year where they are assuming to deliver 30 million of em during that time which will be distributed and divided amongst member states by population %. A small azz country like Holland with only 17million people only need enough for the at risk people and if other nations follow suit the EU could be going back to the old normal before or during spring 2021...