The Lonious Monk
Celestial Souljah
Right so as some of Yall know, I reside in Holland/Europe and Rona/scientifically speaking interesting due to the high population density and the given that we are a transit country.
Back in march the government imposed a lockdown, I'm a essential worker so nothing changed for me lol, people followed suit, the curve started flattening and since half may - when the prime minister in his weekly briefings announced that the restaurants/bars etc will open again - and eventhough the curve was flattening the Rona was still going strong - the country basically re opened and people have flooded the streets like it was business usual...
Masks are only mandatory in public transport btw, the new normal/1.5 meter society is still mandatory but people over here aren't complying...there have been warnings for a second wave ever since half may but even after huge crowd gatherings - BLM, anti gov etc etc - there has been no second wave and there were actually zero covid deaths a few days ago...
I was for the lockdown btw, far from a conspiracy theorist and refuse to pick sides whatsoever, I am only interested in the science.
Allmost 4 months into this shit and countries like Sweden - who had no lockdown - and Japan - lmt lockdown - show similar results like we do here in Holland...
In fact all over the EU - allmost all countries have had different methods of controlling the virus and we all had similar results... Spring and summer basically came and the Rona started vanishing.
I have also lived in Indonesia for quite sometime and am still in touch with the fam and friends over there and they - indo is tropical, close to the equator, steady temps around 30 degrees celcius 365 days a year - and eventhough the infection rate is relatively high, the death rate is slow and according to indo scientists they have a different type of Rona than we have here in Holland.
The Dutch Prime minister went from 'we need a vaccin and were gonna social distance and lockdown untill there is one to investing in medicin/treatment - already some in the works by Sanquin, shit might be ready and working in Sept or Oct - to reopening gyms and stating the public can go the stadium and watch football...
Now I know my next statement might sound horrible for those in here that lost family and friends due to covid 19 but the science indicates that the virus ain't as lethal as we thought it was back in March. Out of the 10k people that died here in Holland only 90 died from corona alone. Since schools reopened back in May, over 12k education personnel tested positive for the virus but none have died... The average mortality rate is in the 80s...
People - doctors, business men etc - are suing the gov right now and loads of people thought the lockdown - which lead to many bankruptcies - and unnecessary deaths. Instead of locking down the entire country they feel the gov failed in protecting its weakest citizens - the mortality rate in retirement homes was absurd...back in 2018 there was a flu epidemic and thousands of elderly died than as well meaning the gov didn't learn etc...the gov imposed a lockdown to take care of the ICs/hospitals but downsized the hospital subsidies during the past 8 years and are not investing in training more staff and facilities in case a disasterious 2nd wave comes.
My theory is that most countries back in march didn't know what they were dealing with and just did the lockdown here in Europe out of the science is started to get clearer, loads of hospitals found the correct treatments - lot of remdiziver sc amongst others.
So basically the virus is not that lethal - still dangerous/not to be underestimated - but treatment - not a vaccin - is improving and a something like a cure on its way. In a climate zone like Holland, it seems to be seasonal - so it will return - but it is estimated that around a third of the population already had the virus - making the mortality rate below incredibly low...
Now the EU is opening borders and people here in Holland are booking holidays in countries like Italy and France whose govenments had ridiculous virus containing methods and lack contingency plans...meanwhile their results are similar to us and Sweden eventhough we had a 'intelligent lockdown' and Sweden basically none.
Excuse the titangraph, these are ridiculously interesting and strange times...
When you say the disease isn't that lethal, it depends on what you mean. It's been known for a long time that if you're relatively young and in good health, getting Covid wouldn't be fun for you, but you'd survive. However, the disease is highly communicable and if people in that condition didn't take any measures then they basically put all the people who were at higher risk in danger. The U.S. has had over a million cases and we're well over 100K deaths. That's ~10% lethality. No, those aren't Ebola numbers, but that's still a lot of people. To put things into perspective, that's 100 times deadlier than the standard flu. So if we hadn't of gone into lockdown in the U.S. and that shit really just spread unchecked, it would have been catastrophic. Hell, it's been bad as it is with the lockdown.
There are a lot of different factors for why a disease can hit one place differently than another. You see some variation from country to country in Europe just like we see variation from state to state in the U.S. ]I mean you mention Italy. Italy suffered pretty bad for a while. A lot of people died that that probably wouldn't have if they were smarter about their reaction, so it doesn't make a lot of sense to act like they weren't hurt by their lack of smart response. I think every country that is seeing better days implemented something. It may not have been a full lock down, but people were social distancing, wearing masks, getting tested, etc... To compare to the US, when we were starting to see a downward trend, a lot of the Southern states just open up almost immediately abandoning all safety protocol and now most of them are worse off than they ever were.