I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories, although I also don't completely ignore them. However, that kind of theory is logical if you look at it from their perspective. And by them I mean the major players of the game. Wealth isn't in money, but physical equity. I'm talking land, physical resources, human labor and documentation. Those things create money, but they're not reliant on the individual's net worth. Think about all the CEOs that stepped down around the time all this started. Think of the companies that produce plastic, steel, oil, coal... basically any physical resource we take for granted. They can afford to choke those resources for political gain cuz they have it on tap. It's like having a water fight using the water in your house rather than bottled water.
Bill Gates for example doesn't have to worry about his bottom line being affected by the Rona cuz for one he doesn't have that much pull in Microsoft anyway and for two he he already secured himself independently from Microsoft a long time ago. There's a shortage in laptops and lack of retail sales will more than likely hurt Microsoft, but not Gates. As of his role in this, for now the FDA curved his vaccine testing program so that might be out.
The TRACE bill has mostly democrats supporting it, and the one republican that did backed out. Ideally, Trump is wiping his ass with that bill if it even makes it past the Senate. However, the elite are above US law. The US economy will eventually be amalgamated thru digital currency (they already phased out cash in some places, just learned the MTA no longer accepts cash) and from there the survival of public consumerism will be dependent on how the elite plays this. The gov't already bitched up after a month shut down, imagine if these companies really applied pressure. Just like we need social security numbers and birth certificates to be recognized as citizens, we will end up needing cell phones, email addresses and some kind of social media to register as consumers. Bill Gates doesn't need half his fortune to track and control millions of ppl, but you, I and the rest of the world need money to buy things that keep us alive cuz they control it all. Just to think there's a foreseeable reality where you're one refusal of a vaccination away from starving to death.