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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

Why Trump self medicating against the Rona with a random malaria medication?


I highly doubt trump is taking hydroxychloroquine. He is a habitual liar. He jus mad. He recommended the drug couple weeks back. Then the health department and doctors said it is not safe to take. He refuses to be wrong or take an L. He never let it go. So he is claiming he takes it, so it can appear safe and he can appear correct.

Its all bullshit
I highly doubt trump is taking hydroxychloroquine. He is a habitual liar. He jus mad. He recommended the drug couple weeks back. Then the health department and doctors said it is not safe to take. He refuses to be wrong or take an L. He never let it go. So he is claiming he takes it, so it can appear safe and he can appear correct.

Its all bullshit
can you explain to vibe why trump would lie?

why would the president of the US lie? for what purpose?

a president lying about taking a drug sound like a conspiracy...
On the other hand, imagine saying that the country should open up and the virus isnt a threat, but at the same time be worried enough for your own well being to take a drug for a preventitive measure.

Thats the bigger discussion imo.

Also the timeline of trump taking this drug matches the timeline of his advisors getting sick. So i can see him taking it to prevent the shit.

Funny shit is that its been proven by a ton of companies that the shit dont work. So he taking something thats not gonna help and might cause a few people to drop just to not say he was wrong about the drug and cause he trusts his gut feeling.
I believe he’s lying about taking it of course, but he’s doing so because there’s a financial kickback. Or somebody got receipts on him for some fucked up shit. Why else would he care so much about one drug?

The crazy shit is that him lying about taking it is going to push his most staunch supporters into taking it and getting fucked up from it.

You got to be an evil muthafucka to kill your own people in the interest of either not looking bad or getting a financial kickback.
I highly doubt trump is taking hydroxychloroquine. He is a habitual liar. He jus mad. He recommended the drug couple weeks back. Then the health department and doctors said it is not safe to take. He refuses to be wrong or take an L. He never let it go. So he is claiming he takes it, so it can appear safe and he can appear correct.

Its all bullshit

it’s not that the itself medication is unsafe to take, it turned out that the medication came from outside the US and didn’t go through the proper channels to be approved. So it’s was unsafe as they didn’t want to take chances that this medicine wld cause serious issues to those taking it.

It also needs to be taken under the supervision of a doctor, but the WH wanted it to be over-the-counter without the supervision of docs.

this is what I got out of the Dr. Rick Bright questionings...

As far as if it works? Yes. It’s showed promising outcomes to those who have taken it. My wife is a nurse and works for an insurance company. Her job is to review and write up complete medical reports. She’s seen covid in ways most people don’t. She has seen the severe damage it does and has seen that this specific medication does work.

Is trump taking it? Who knows. He’s old and obese so he’s in the at-risk category. They’re testing daily at the WH.

Is Trump BS? Sure.

is the medication? no
let me add, that while the medication showed it can work, it hasn’t been tested enough to be used as a treatment... there’s so much that goes into testing. From what I’ve read, it has worked, but it definitely is not a cure for covid19.
Remdesivir seems to be the focus of the trials to fight covid19. Its more promising in patients so far. Legally, if it continues to show promising, they’re required to start giving it out as a treatment.
Folks not getting together with a small group of family and or friends but folks having full blown parties and shit

Man you 2 the homies but fuck yall for real. Giving niggas so much shit but yall don't want to take that shit either. Gtfohwtbs.

Just admit the shit suspect.

I don’t take the reg flu vaccine, but not bc of any silly crap... I just don’t see a doc regularly... I don’t put time aside for all that. I may regret this at a later time, who knows...as for the covid19 vax. since it’s more serious, and I’m prob not in the greatest health to fight the virus (even tho I think I may have already had it) I’ll go get the vaccine - but because of the short time span they’ve developed it in, ill wait.
Folks not getting together with a small group of family and or friends but folks having full blown parties and shit


church choir practice, 1 person came in w it, half the choir ended up getting it and 7(?) died? this was already a story. Churches seem to be getting infected in high rates bc they gather. They’re mainly white, too.Gatherings of any kind are proving horrible. It also seems like the anti-covid19 whites are also being affected bc they gather for protests

that being said, this is why I think the majority of positive cases, and deaths, are Hispanic and Black people... so far, based on whats being put out, the majority of these ppl in the poorer neighborhoods are still having large gatherings; parties, cookouts etc. and everyone has health issues. I don’t think white ppl are more healthy overall, either.. I think most minorities are less likely to go get care to manage their illnesses tho, cld be due to not having proper insurance, or they have less resources than white ppl would have... but idk really so I can’t speak on that.

again, my wife works for an insurance company and she sees everyday that the vast majority of her patients, all races, absolutely hate going in to be properly taken care of... everyone usually waits until they’re at their worst to see a doctor. It’s one of the most frustrating parts of her job... bc not only does she read and document their medical history, she has to call them and speak w them about their medical issues and explain to them the importance of seeing their doctor regularly (setting up appointments for them, calling their doctors to discuss their patients and treatment options) and they just get angry about it... even the doctors sometimes hate cooperating.