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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

i know you aint mean nothing by this..
not really about you

..just fucked up thing to say.

it really is but its a fact

Problem is there’s no way to keep the shit confined to the retard class

Think about it though we didn't do what we had to do in the first wave so we lost seniors on top of seniors, second wave we are seeing serious infections in kids, who still fucking around? ignorant people what is it gona take for ignorant people to stay home there kids getting sick unfortunately like y'all said its not like can just stay in that section of people but what it happen.

Democrats push new $3T coronavirus relief bill through House

By ANDREW TAYLOR and ALAN FRAM13 minutes ago

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats powered a massive $3 trillion coronavirus relief bill through the House on Friday, an election-year measure designed to brace a U.S. economy in free fall and a health care system struggling to contain a pandemic still pummeling the country.

The 208-199 vote, with all but one Republican opposed, advances what boils down to a campaign-season display of Democratic economic and health-care priorities. It has no chance of becoming law as written, but will likely spark difficult negotiations with the White House and Senate Republicans. Any product would probably be the last major COVID-19 response bill before November’s presidential and congressional elections.