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The official COVID-19/Coronavirus Discussion Thread...aka I hope I don't get the Rona

He’s more dangerous day by day. This pushing of the “made in the lab” thing is going to rile everyone up. Here we go...

It's a deflection tactic to divert attention away from him, but he's more than likely right about it starting in a lab.

Only thing that really makes sense.

Said this earlier, but I never believed that bat-to-human contact theory.

Chinese have been eating bats for years.........as shown in their quote/unquote "wet markets."

So, if that bat theory was true, it would've already happened a long time ago.
The video from those two doctors from Bakersfield has infiltrated my church. They’re now split in what’s going on.. this is how easy it is to divide ppl. Those docs need to lose their licenses ASAP

All jokes aside this is very dangerous. What he said about the wuhan lab n the WHO.

Its worse than the "Obama wire tapped me" bs. Where he finally admitted he heard it on fox news.

Reporter shoulda set his fat ass up with a follow up question. Shoulda hit him with "Mr. President would you consider a military strike against china in retaliation? I know u dont wanna appear weak..."

Just saw this story on TV. They said 75% of the inmates that have been tested have tested positive.
