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The Official Board/Card Game Thread


goldie bought an entire color oup from the computer for essentially $1000

and i was like the computer gotta be on easy, cuz i pay that shit like every day on my phone, and i don't care how much you offer the computer will NEVER sell a full monopoly....

there's been games i was winning crazy, and jsut to see how much they would turn down....it didn't matter..it would rather go broke....

either that AI not programmed into pogo.....or we had it set on easy.....

goldie straight raped the computer as soon as chi left....

and apparently he did the same thing when i left to get my son the previous day

straight vulture
lol i was playin with the same computer yall was playin with. Now I know how Kobe felt
i don't sey up the poker room, i'm just playing with some randoms... got my ass whooped.. thm niggaz go all in to fast