Not bad madame. I'm a bet away I'll make that back this week and reclaim the throne;;;;;I am now the e-richest mf on here.
Back to the poor house. :(
Plus..I got 2k on Beyonce winning at least 2, 2k on Adele winning at least 1
I'll come back to this I gotta read the full nominees list
I got 3k on Beyonce winning atleast 3 awards tonight.
I honestly didn't even hear 25, minus hello, and that alone led me to believe Adele wouldn't win. I didn't hear anyone say how great 25 was. Lemonade on the other hand, was on everybody's tongue for weeks. Adele stopped a concert to praise lemonade herself. Lots of celebrities spoke on it. B sparked a conversation like no one else last year except maybe her sister with don't touch my hair etc. I mean, just wow. Visual album and all didn't do it for her. Some old bs. She got robbed, again. Kanye somewhere mad af lol.smh should've known a fat white girl would never lose in the grammys.
Told you those whites were gonna give those awards to Adelesmh should've known a fat white girl would never lose in the grammys.