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The Official 2020/2021 Football/Soccer Thread

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So how do you feel about it seems like 90% of black actors in major shows movies being non-american black? Did you dislike Caribbean and African blacks before you got to know them?
I don’t dislike any black person. We’re all niggas to you know who. But I understand why some of us get mad at black roles going to foreign black actors. But it’s kind of unavoidable. The US sorta has a monopoly on film and television. We have Hollywood. Everyone goes to HW cuz that’s where the money and opportunities are. Even foreign white actors get white roles. Nobody from over here goes abroad for work except for maybe theater.

And as far as beef between ADOS and foreign black people I first heard this on the Internet. Can’t say I’ve experienced it for real. Sure, there’s differences but I never viewed them as a huge deal between either side. But it appears this is a real problem
It must piss Bruno off playing with such sh!t... Dude is putting passes on a plate that are being wasted, making great runs and not having passes completed... He could have 4 assists and hatrick this game...
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