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The Official 2020/2021 Football/Soccer Thread

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The EU with the disrespect

Firstly, competition in the single market will remain fair, she says.

The EU rules and standards will be respected, she says.

We have effective tools to react if fair competition is distorted and impacts our trade, she says.

Secondly, she says, we’ll continue operating with the UK in al areas of mutual interest such as climate change, energy, transport.

Thirdly, we’ve secured 5.5 years of full predictability for our fishing communities, she says.

This whole debate has always been about sovereignty, she says, but what does it actually mean in the 21st century?

To seamlessly work, travel study and do business in 27 countries, pooling our strength and speaking together, and in a time of crisis, it’s about pulling each other up instead of trying to get back to your feet alone, she says.
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