Welcome To aBlackWeb

The No-List of Websites, Subreddits, Social Media accounts and Forums Black People shall shun away or report

What's the point of doing this if you aren't going to start a crusade to take these sites down? Many of them are obscure, unheard of sites. You planning a DOS attack or something?
And many of these sites are used to keep surveillance on what the 'other side' is doing, so why kill our source of information just because you feel threatened?
r/mgtow. They pretend like they're not racist, and apathetic towards dealing with women period. But their comments on white women that date/deal with black men says otherwise...

White mgtows online platforms are infamously known for their alt-right wing sympathies.
Let those idiots spew their filth so we can monitor them. That's the beauty of the internet. But again, what is the OP's intent? The average person doesn't have time to peruse all these sites, so it isn't like you are going to kill their online traffic.
Yes. Let's, in a roundabout way, give free pub to sites most never heard of or give AF about.

Good thread chief....................