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the myth of “Black wall street” is deployed to bolster Black capitalism

Race Jones

gangster. grace. alchemy
People were tripping if they ever thought Black Wallstreet was some utopia. This was the 1920s we can look at Harlem Renaissance as an example. It was better than nothing but making it seem like this was a place to escape racism or that capitalism as a whole is a benefit to African Americans is wild
we was strides to become self sufficient though.

It was more than the destruction of one neighborhood that broke that progress. The process was already in effect by the time Black Wallstreet emerged. That's why it was allowed to be destroyed
lawdddd ........

@Elzo69Renaissance what's wrong with these new niggas mane? Having your own and wanting to thrive in the society is a bad thing?
We in an era where ppl are too smart for their own good
Niggas really typed out that most of them weren’t business owners but laborers and etc....well duh niggas that’s the fucking point
lawdddd ........

@Elzo69Renaissance what's wrong with these new niggas mane? Having your own and wanting to thrive in the society is a bad thing?

That’s not even the argument tho lol why y’all think that? Like nobody is against you owning your house sending your kids to a better school or owing a company. When niggas talk about the bad side of capitalism they talking about the exploitation. Why y’all be personally offended if you not exploiting anybody?
That’s not even the argument tho lol why y’all think that? Like nobody is against you owning your house sending your kids to a better school or owing a company. When niggas talk about the bad side of capitalism they talking about the exploitation. Why y’all be personally offended if you not exploiting anybody?
How does this relate to Black Wall Street
im directly responding to Cain post which is not about black Wall Street? Any other questions bro?
My post still stands.......the article posted is basically saying water is wet. Of course 1920's America that most Black people worked for white people BUT some Black people owned their own business and was working on being self sufficient. People want to blame capitalism for everything and mad that Black people was trying to thrive in same Capitalism that was the law of the land.

That shit is silly to me.
My post still stands.......the article posted is basically saying water is wet. Of course 1920's America that most Black people worked for white people BUT some Black people owned their own business and was working on being self sufficient. People want to blame capitalism for everything and mad that Black people was trying to thrive in same Capitalism that was the law of the land.

That shit is silly to me.

People aren’t mad at folks on black wallstreet trying to do better. They just telling the whole story it’s no anger lol. Again people aren’t mad cuz niggas want to be self sufficient and y’all say that a lot. People don’t like capitalism because it’s exploitive and we don’t need to debate that. It does not mean you can’t get a Cadillac or run a shop.
What happened in Tulsa was horrific...but niggas have turned talking about it into the new "we used to be kings and queens. We were all royalty" shit
No it's about us being self-suffiecnt, and Black Wall Street was an example of what people were working towards.

And smh at another Race thread pushing communism propaganda. Wealth in our communities keeps growing and that's because we have opportunities with capitalism we wouldn't in any other system. The majority will never give you a fair shake under communism or socialism, never.

Only people who push this bullshit are the same once crying for a living wage at fast food jobs. When it's about getting good jobs & opportunites instead.
People were tripping if they ever thought Black Wallstreet was some utopia. This was the 1920s we can look at Harlem Renaissance as an example. It was better than nothing but making it seem like this was a place to escape racism or that capitalism as a whole is a benefit to African Americans is wild

Whoever said it was? People kill me how they make up these narratives in their heads and then act like it means something when they tear down their own bullshit.

Black Wallstreet was a place that had a lot of black professionals and businesses and was a thriving black community at a time when blacks were systematically being held back from accomplishing anything. That's all it was ever biilled as. It's called Black Wallstreet not Black Heaven. Last time I checked Manhattan has a lot of people working the trenches too. Not everyone that runs in that area is a rich businessman.
Whoever said it was? People kill me how they make up these narratives in their heads and then act like it means something when they tear down their own bullshit.

Black Wallstreet was a place that had a lot of black professionals and businesses and was a thriving black community at a time when blacks were systematically being held back from accomplishing anything. That's all it was ever biilled as. It's called Black Wallstreet not Black Heaven. Last time I checked Manhattan has a lot of people working the trenches too. Not everyone that runs in that area is a rich businessman.
lmao facts shit someone had to milk the cows and clean up the shit in Wakanda