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OPINION The Matrix Trilogy - A Hindsight Discussion


I was really really tryna keep it PG
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@King Freeman

so i was watching this high (gotta finish up the last one tonight)

Before we get into it, judging by the quality of the films, I actually rank them from best to worst, in the order they were released.


One of my biggest gripes about the series was Zion and its depiction. I have NO other outside source material to reference. I'm talking strictly about the films as a whole. I thought Zion should've been depicted much better than it was, but the shit that blew my mind was the back and forth with Neo and the architect.

When i originally saw it, i didnt imagine the architect as a program. Upon subsequent viewings after my initial one, i had an "a ha" moment, but I still didnt grasp the complexity of the conversation.

Last night or maybe it was the night before, when viewing the conversation as a Human vs AI, shit just started clicking. The architect was trying to replicate humans but the one thing he could never account for was when choice was entered into the equation, then on top of that, another theme seemed to be love and the things it made you do.

Neo's mind was blown when he realized he was the 6th "one" and Morpheus' mind blown was when Neo told him that he was basically programmed to believe in the "one".

I dont wanna get too much into it so it doesnt feel like im talking to myself, but wanna hear ya'lls thoughts.

Why was Agent Smith so jealous of Neo?
I'm going to give this a shot this weekend, I wanna see what the hype people got for these movies
brah, you be acting like you was some blue chip 5 star recruit in high school and didnt have time to watch shit lol

how you made it this far in life being behind on some of the most popular films and shows in cinema?
brah, you be acting like you was some blue chip 5 star recruit in high school and didnt have time to watch shit lol

how you made it this far in life being behind on some of the most popular films and shows in cinema?

It never interest me, I'm willing to give anything a try as long as nothing else is out there
It never interested me, I'm willing to give anything a try as long as nothing else is out there
the story itself is still as interesting as it was back in what...99 when it dropped? The visuals outside of the slow mo shit haven't aged as well, but the fighting to me is still some of the best h2h combat I've seen on film
Smith was jealous if Neo because Neo was free

but what would Smith do in the free world that he couldnt do in the matrix?

Smith despised humans, so what was the point of him being free?
The first movie is great, 2nd is worthless aside from the car chase and the overly complicated talk with the architect. (which makes you question whether "reality" in the movies is just another program, I still personally believe this to be true) The third movie is better than the 2nd, but it should've had the "2nd renaissance" from the Animatrix play before it started since it makes the movie and story more complete imo.

Matter of fact, just watch the Animatrix period if you haven't already, it's really good.
Agent smith knew he was nothing but a ho ass program
He couldn't escape his programming even when he thought he was rebelling.

I used to think I liked the second more than the first then I rewatched em. First is still the best one.
I never thought Agent Smith was jealous of Neo.. nigga just hated the Matrix, hated humans and wanted to get outa there.

"It's the smell" lol

@King Freeman

so i was watching this high (gotta finish up the last one tonight)

Before we get into it, judging by the quality of the films, I actually rank them from best to worst, in the order they were released.


One of my biggest gripes about the series was Zion and its depiction. I have NO other outside source material to reference. I'm talking strictly about the films as a whole. I thought Zion should've been depicted much better than it was, but the shit that blew my mind was the back and forth with Neo and the architect.

When i originally saw it, i didnt imagine the architect as a program. Upon subsequent viewings after my initial one, i had an "a ha" moment, but I still didnt grasp the complexity of the conversation.

Last night or maybe it was the night before, when viewing the conversation as a Human vs AI, shit just started clicking. The architect was trying to replicate humans but the one thing he could never account for was when choice was entered into the equation, then on top of that, another theme seemed to be love and the things it made you do.

Neo's mind was blown when he realized he was the 6th "one" and Morpheus' mind blown was when Neo told him that he was basically programmed to believe in the "one".

I dont wanna get too much into it so it doesnt feel like im talking to myself, but wanna hear ya'lls thoughts.

Why was Agent Smith so jealous of Neo?

Agent Smith was actually "The One".

@King Freeman

so i was watching this high (gotta finish up the last one tonight)

Before we get into it, judging by the quality of the films, I actually rank them from best to worst, in the order they were released.


One of my biggest gripes about the series was Zion and its depiction. I have NO other outside source material to reference. I'm talking strictly about the films as a whole. I thought Zion should've been depicted much better than it was, but the shit that blew my mind was the back and forth with Neo and the architect.

When i originally saw it, i didnt imagine the architect as a program. Upon subsequent viewings after my initial one, i had an "a ha" moment, but I still didnt grasp the complexity of the conversation.

Last night or maybe it was the night before, when viewing the conversation as a Human vs AI, shit just started clicking. The architect was trying to replicate humans but the one thing he could never account for was when choice was entered into the equation, then on top of that, another theme seemed to be love and the things it made you do.

Neo's mind was blown when he realized he was the 6th "one" and Morpheus' mind blown was when Neo told him that he was basically programmed to believe in the "one".

I dont wanna get too much into it so it doesnt feel like im talking to myself, but wanna hear ya'lls thoughts.

Why was Agent Smith so jealous of Neo?
You got a problem with anorexic wet t-shirt raves?
The point is we all programmed. Whether you in the matrix or not.

I think lol.
I think the overall theme is ignorance is bliss.

The truth is overrated. Living in the matrix is the dream. But knowing it's a dream often drives people to a miserable truth.

So ultimately you're faced with the choice. Choose to be happily ignorant, or choose to be miserably aware...