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I don’t mind filler episodes as long as they’re entertaining, and these have been.

I view Mandalorian more like a sitcom as far as pacing and plot. Every episode will be entertaining, but it doesn’t have to directly tie into the overarching story.

Like last season when they landed on that strange planet and had to protect that village. Could have done without that and still reached the same ending to the season, but it was a dope episode.
They aren't totally filler, cuz the show does a lot of call backs...

He's also being hunted by boba Fett
Anybody on here play RPGs? If so, ya'll not what fetch quests are. They are basically tools game developers use to pad a game. They may be prompted by something from the story, but don't really move the story forward much given the amount of effort it takes to complete them.

So every episode this season has been the TV show version of a fetch quest. Mando is trying to get Baby Yoda home, and 5 mins of each episode has been about a lead and the rest of the episode is him completing the fetch quest. Fetch quests aren't bad per se, but when you overuse them, it hurts the product.

I've enjoyed this season, but they are getting dangerously close to overuse.
I kinda get where your coming from but I disagree

every episodes “quest” is the vehicle being used to move story along

Finding more Mandalorian who can give him info about Jedi whom he needs to get baby Yoda to

And also

I wonder if they are gonna put Ahsoka on screen who would play her
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