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Added to Calendar: 08-29-24

Same place they left from, which is their home land

I'm not sure anyone made the trip multiple times. To my knowledge it doesn't seem like they can but it could just as easily be that they don't 🤷🏿‍♂️
True. She was the only one of that group who had experienced their home before. I think the rest of them were born in middle earth whichbis why it was such a big deal for them. For her she already experienced it so finding Sauron was the bigger deal.

Hearing speculation (pure speculation, no spoilers) that the guy with the hobbits might actually be Sauron himsef. He fell in fire and sucked the fire into himself one time. Something about the symbol under him when he landed too.
True. She was the only one of that group who had experienced their home before. I think the rest of them were born in middle earth whichbis why it was such a big deal for them. For her she already experienced it so finding Sauron was the bigger deal.

Hearing speculation (pure speculation, no spoilers) that the guy with the hobbits might actually be Sauron himsef. He fell in fire and sucked the fire into himself one time. Something about the symbol under him when he landed too.
Nah. Maybe Sarumon but not Sauron.





They were sailing back to Valinor, the undying lands. If you familiar with LOTR, it's where Frodo, Bilbo, and a vast majority of the elves went to once the Return of the King ended.

That was definitely Gandalf, would explain his fascination and protection of Hobbits in the films, or one of the other 4 wizards (Saruman) sent to help stop Sauron from (re)gaining power

The dwarfs def found a simaril and keeping it from the elves. Gonna be interesting how this ultimately turns out.

I'll spoiler if need be. So far I like it
None of the Maiar arrive until the 3rd age unless they took some liberties
None of the Maiar arrive until the 3rd age unless they took some liberties
I wouldn’t expect to see Gandalf, Saruman or Radigast. This takes place during the Second Age. Wizards weren’t around during the Second Age

also Sauron is a Maiar so I was mistaken lol. But the wizards we know of from The Hobbit and LOTR werent around in the Second Age
I wouldn’t expect to see Gandalf, Saruman or Radigast. This takes place during the Second Age. Wizards weren’t around during the Second Age

also Sauron is a Maiar so I was mistaken lol. But the wizards we know of from The Hobbit and LOTR werent around in the Second Age
Good catch

The link you posted said they were sent after the one ring was created so shit....he maybe Sauron🤷🏿‍♂️
It feels incomplete to me. Like they should have explained more why the Men didn't like the Elves from the watch tower. They glossed over it.
They should have explained more why the Harefoots hide from humans.

Not to say they can't in time but it would have been nice to get it out the way already to mw

three jewel magical jewels made from the elven tree and caused the first war as Morgoth, Sauron predecessor, stole them to enhance his power. Celebrimbor spoke on it when he was talking to Elrond. Also idk if you remember the hobbit trilogy but it's said one of them was the jewel under the lonely mountain that drove Thorin and his granddather insane. Trying to covet it and such
Arkenstone was the one that they said drove him insane in the movies
I really liked it. Looks visually stunning. I'm gonna have to rewatch this when I get my new tv. I didn't read the books but I've seen the movies. Someone that I know who read them likes the show so far
Im not upset about this series saying it's blasphemy ,or on board with people saying there shouldnt be people of color in the series and so on . Im enjoying it, there is enough
to connect you to the films of the past and enough for me to care about this prequel series. Does it stall here and there? yes and i do hope the story thread
involving the Harfoots and the"mystery character" is not drawn out. Im enjoying the visuals and seeing parts of the
Lord Of the Rings world ive never seen .