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HBO The Last of Us (Season 2, April 2025)

This episode was weird. Joel gave Ellie the ick by almost dying and needing Ellie to stitch him up. She wanted to see his vulnerable side, but the second he showed it she regretted wanting to see it and it made her not like him anymore. Then he kept talking about his daughter to Ellie like his daughter was an ex and Ellie didn't like that either. Joel basically turned into a clingy "nice guy" and Ellie liked him more when he had that bad boy mystique. Ellie might be a lesbian but she has straight hoe tendencies.
This episode was weird. Joel gave Ellie the ick by almost dying and needing Ellie to stitch him up. She wanted to see his vulnerable side, but the second he showed it she regretted wanting to see it and it made her not like him anymore. Then he kept talking about his daughter to her like she was an ex and Ellie didn't like that either. Joel basically turned into a clingy "nice guy" and Ellie liked him more when he had that bad boy mystique. Ellie might be a lesbian but she has straight hoe tendencies.

You read that dynamic waaaaayyyy differently than I did lol

I thought that change in her to being more aloof and withdrawn had to do with the trauma of almost being raped and eaten and having to hack a man to death, but I guess, that’s just another way of looking at it.
Those millions not his family either
His brother is part of that millions.. along with his either niece or nephew
What unarmed person did he kill, the surgeon came with a scalpel, he let the other two women in the room live

Dude that surrendered and put down his gun and Joell killed him anyway

For the first 5 or 6 episodes y'all was like Joel not connecting with Ellie, I can't wait until they start getting along. Now it's omg why did he save her

His brother is part of that millions.. along with his either niece or nephew

Dude that surrendered and put down his gun and Joell killed him anyway

Tommy fine, he's safe

Fuck that dude, letting him live and he would have shot while Joel escaping from the place

Can't name names but it's some people in here who was waiting on Joel and Ellie to form a connection and now people saying Joel should have let her die
Tommy fine, he's safe

Fuck that dude, letting him live and he would have shot while Joel escaping from the place

Can't name names but it's some people in here who was waiting on Joel and Ellie to form a connection and now people saying Joel should have let her die

lol so you just making shit up?
So what did you not like about it?
Just kind of hokey a little bit and some stuff wasn't super well done. Joel picking up a Mini-14 off one of the guys he killed, and then taking a mags for an M4 off the other dead guy. A mag for an M4 would not work with a Mini-14. Things like these really annoy me. Then him just killing 20 people with storm trooper aim doesn't seem real to me.

Also Nic Offerman grabbing a fucking deer rifle to engage raiders when he has a plethora of military grade weapons to fight with.

I think some of the video game style level bosses worked better than others. The preacher was a good villain to introduce and kill off in an episode, while the Fedra gal episode wasn't so great.