Dec 22, 2017

2020 is shaping up to be an exciting year for movies, and among the most exciting is David Lowery’s The Green Knight, a medieval fantasy based on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.

The first trailer for The Green Knight looks like a significant departure from Lowery’s previous films, The Old Man & the Gun and A Ghost Story, but it still showcases Lowery’s meticulous sense of style and seamless blending of the real and the fantastical. Dev Patel stars as Gawain, with Sean Harris as King Arthur, Joel Edgerton and Alicia Vikander as figures Gawain meets on his journey, and Ralph Ineson as the Green Knight.​
Looks interesting. I like shit based on Arthurian legend. Hell, we got a Yasuke cartoon on Netflix. Maybe we'll get something about Morien at some point.
The Green Knight

Beautiful but bewilderingly ponderous

PRAISE : Based on the timeless Arthurian legend The Green Knight is definitely and art house fantasy film IMO.King Arthur's headstrong nephew embarks on a daring quest to confront the Green Knight, a mysterious giant who appears at Camelot.

This film was chosen by the Director David Lowery and Actors because they wanted to test their abilities, stretch their abilities to see if they could conquer the material and in this case it's fine because for the most part it works. I admired all of the actors dedication to the script and physicality needed including : Dev Patel, Alicia Vikander
(I thought she looked absolutely stunning especially with her Princess Leia/ Padme like hair do's) Joel Edgerton ,Sarita Choudhury ,Sean Harris and Ralph Ineson
Even when I found myself drifting from the film there's either a cute,seductive,surreal, or beautiful moment that reeled me back in.
The sets and visuals are mesmerizing and I admire the hard work of the people behind it and the cinemaphotographer.

PROBLEMS: I couldn't get on board with how some scenes played out. Some scenes are to drawn out.One in particular was a huge look at ME moment for the actors and the director. It went on so long I laughed out loud because i felt all of the aforementioned were just showing off.10 to 20 minutes definitely could have been cut from the film.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½
Just watched "the green knight". Boring and long. Had to look up the meaning behind this movie cause I really didnt get it. As I looked it up, saw it was by A24. There movies are hit and miss with me. The ones that miss for me are just like this movie. Too many metaphors and coded meanings. You have to know certain things before going into the movie. Similar to that midsomar movie and witch. This was boring like witch.