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The game's cashapp seized in $7m sexual assault case

if game had the judgement entered against him solely because he kept missing court, then he can easily file a motion to reopen and go to trial.

but i guess he wants to go the stupid nigga method by ducking and dodging a legally enforceable judgement
Somebody gon explain the Ryan Leslie comment or nah?
Ryan Leslie ā€œ lostā€ his backpack that had his computer w his music in it.... he made a public offer of like 1.5 million for the return of the computer due to the value of the music in that computer

some guy brings it back the computer back but I believe the drive was missing so Ryan refused to pay the reward , the guy who returned sued him and they settled on this:

Instead of Ryan giving him the cash, he turned over his publishing/royalties to the homie for like 3-5 years ( I forget how long),

the game should have done the same
And saved himself the headache and embarrassment, especially since most srtists get their bread through shows and touring
Somebody gon explain the Ryan Leslie comment or nah?
Ryan Leslie ā€œ lostā€ his backpack that had his computer w his music in it.... he made a public offer of like 1.5 million for the return of the computer due to the value of the music in that computer

some guy brings it back the computer back but I believe the drive was missing so Ryan refused to pay the reward , the guy who returned sued him and they settled on this:

Instead of Ryan giving him the cash, he turned over his publishing/royalties to the homie for like 3-5 years ( I forget how long),

the game should have done the same
And saved himself the headache and embarrassment, especially since most srtists get their bread through shows and touring
It;s a lil worse than this, character wise. He straight up just didnt wanna pay the reward he offered .And I mean none of it at all. After the person who turned it in sued him, the hard drive thing was just one of the excuses his lawyers made up to try and get off, & the judge rejected all of them.

After this thing, I kinda look at him a lil different. Thought he was a stand up dude, but only a shady person puts out a reward for a lost item, then ups the reward even more, has the item found and turned in, only to them be like, "Nah i didnt actually mean i'd give you this money, i was just saying i might offer that amount".

Ryan Leslie
, a hip hop and R&B artist, has offered up a cautionary tale about being cavalier with offers made in social media.
Last year, a man sued Leslie and sought to collect on a reward that was offered on YouTube by Leslie for finding his missing laptop.
The laptop went missing in Germany, and on a YouTube posting, Leslie said that ā€œsomething very personal, something very special was taken,ā€ and said he was offering a $20,000 reward. On a later Twitter post, he wrote that he had ā€œraised the reward for [his] intellectual property to $1mm.ā€

Now, a jury has held him to that offer, ordering him to pay plaintiff and auto repair shop owner Armin Augstein for finding his laptop. The $1 million jury award came after a few hours of jury deliberations, but his fate was probably sealed by a judge last month.

On October 17, New York federal judge Howard Baer rejected Leslieā€™s best defenses in a summary judgment.
Leslie attempted to make the case that when he used the word ā€œoffer,ā€ that he really meant something different. He argued that a reasonable person would have understood mention of a reward not as a unilateral contract, but instead as an ā€œadvertisement,ā€ an invitation to negotiate.
And failing that argument, Leslie argued that it wasnā€™t the laptop per se that he wanted, but rather unreleased multitrack songs on the laptop, which he said came back to him ruined. He proposed that the alleged offer was not for ā€œproperty,ā€ but instead for ā€œintellectual property.ā€

But Augstein didnā€™t give up. And Judge Baer didnā€™t buy Leslieā€™s reasoning.
The judge wrote:
ā€œLeslie also relies on the fact that the offer was conveyed over YouTube (a website where many advertisements and promotional videos are shared, along with any number of other types of video) to undermine the legitimacy of the offer. I do not find this reasoning persuasive. The forum for conveying the offer is not determinative, but rather, the question is whether a reasonable person would have understood that Leslie made an offer of a reward. I conclude that they would.ā€
With the question of whether or not there was a real offer on the table, the question for the jury was what Leslie would have to pay. And Judge Baer further ruined Leslieā€™s strongest defense by ruling that he and his team were negligent in their handling of the hard drive after it was returned. As a result, the judge instructed a jury to assume the data was there when it was turned over.