The flyyest girl

This ain’t LSA

You made a random thread called “The flyest girl” expecting compliments

You asking for it shorty….God bless though
Idgaf. Yall too old to be doing roasting sessions, especially toward a bish who hasn’t done shit to y’all. I can have confidence, nigga. Tf?
You in my house asking why I’m in the living room

Fuck outta here lmao
You’re not even a mod or the big dogs on this mf . You’re an insignificant, little maggot . Shut tf up, little faggy boy. Stop letting random men pop tf out of your doo-doo string from the back 🥴
You’re not even a mod or the big dogs on this mf . You’re an insignificant, little maggot . Shut tf up, little faggy boy. Stop letting random men pop tf out of your doo-doo string from the back 🥴

What does that make you? What’s a doo doo string?