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It's pretty good imo. I stoppdd on Ep.3 b/c me and my s/o have been watching it. Aaaannnddd...anybody in a relationship knows how that goes. Can't watch ahead w/o them. Lol
Don’t talk tough in here no mo. Ole gotta wait for wifey ass nigga. Matter of fact, go take the dog to pee.
Leo is the only one I felt kinda bad for. He was a druggy and slacker...but seemed to be the only sibling who had some form of compassion..and Lenore of course
Just finished. I enjoyed it. Haven't I been telling yall greed...and power...has ALWAYS been the original pandemic? This dude sacrificed his damn family for it. Smh.

And lmao @ the brotha SLIDING his azzz out that house b4 it crumbled! Lol!!!
Finally knocked this out

This shit was fire!!!

I have them ranked

Haunting of Hill House
Bly Manor
It's based on his work it's a legit homage lol

lol I mean. It's based on a specific story not his whole catalog, but it seems like they are making a game of trying to see how many random Poe references they can squeeze into each episode. I ain't mad at it. It's just funny to me. I got a book of like 200 Poe works, and I think they hit damn near everyone. lol
lol I mean. It's based on a specific story not his whole catalog, but it seems like they are making a game of trying to see how many random Poe references they can squeeze into each episode. I ain't mad at it. It's just funny to me. I got a book of like 200 Poe works, and I think they hit damn near everyone. lol
It's not because he uses all of them in the show🤣
It's not because he uses all of them in the show🤣

I'm not sure you understand what I'm saying.

He's absolutely not using all those other works in the actual narrative. The story itself is an adaptation of the Fall of the House of Usher. That's it. All these other things are just references and Easter Eggs.

You're acting like I'm saying something off the wall. Hollywood makes TV and movie adaptations of popular books all the time, and they rarely ever go out of their way to squeeze so many references to other stories into the show. Hell, you look at a Stephen King miniseries and you might get 4 or 5 references in the whole event. In this show, you get 4 or 5 ever 30 minutes.