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The ethics and motives of hunting

If you gon hunt.

you gotta eat the animal or use it’s coat to make clothes or something.

Can just kill it and do nothing with it.

Unless it’s them damn wild boar fucking up the environment and other animals because they don’t belong there.

I agree. Personally tho it'd be better if not killed just for clothes. If u killing for food then deciding to use the opportunity to not leave any part of the animal to waste then I'm cool with that. Same with native tribes ppl like the Inuit in Canada. It's part of their livelihood.
On black baby jesus I would violate this nigga

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bruh... spoiler that last pic.
humans are the only hunters who kill when not hungry
Not entirely true. I’m not making any kind of judgement towards these animals, but “surplus killing” is a very real thing. Think deer/elk weakened from a harsh winter and getting killed left and right by wolves.
It's troublesome seeing rich white men going overseas to Africa to murder those incredible creatures... Like is there some strange exoticising going on there? An extension of the belief the motherland is a wild land ripe for extraction? Or do they just got their eye on the prize of any big game?

I don’t know anyone personally who has been to Africa to hunt. But I would imagine they do it for the reason rich fucks do anything that seems morally questionable, because they can. It’s a money flex. It’s to look like more of a man with the trophy on the wall.