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The ethics and motives of hunting


Active Member
I came across this video on YouTube

My first thought is, why kill a giraffe? To feel good about urself? Is it a sense of pride, satisfaction? That's death they're clamouring for, no? Ppl justify it saying it helps pay for conservation efforts (which takes poachers out of the equation, allowing endangered animals to thrive).. That's great. Perhaps even a necessary evil. But it's ok to question the mindset and the ethics of it. I for one couldn't pull the trigger on an animal. I couldn't bring myself to drown a mouse that infiltrated my house so wtf am I shooting a whole ass beast for.

Hunting for food I'm ok with it. I have an uncle who hunts. Me and the fam went up north to his cottage over a decade ago. He shot a moose and we ate that mf. I don't remember what it tasted like but that's Besides the point.

Hunting purely for sport, just to put a deers head on ur wall (which my uncle incidentally has as well).. I'm not with that.

I came across this video on YouTube

My first thought is, why kill a giraffe? To feel good about urself? Is it a sense of pride, satisfaction? That's death they're clamouring for, no? Ppl justify it saying it helps pay for conservation efforts (which takes poachers out of the equation, allowing endangered animals to thrive).. That's great. Perhaps even a necessary evil. But it's ok to question the mindset and the ethics of it. I for one couldn't pull the trigger on an animal. I couldn't bring myself to drown a mouse that infiltrated my house so wtf am I shooting a whole ass beast for.

Hunting for food I'm ok with it. I have an uncle who hunts. Me and the fam went up north to his cottage over a decade ago. He shot a moose and we ate that mf. I don't remember what it tasted like but that's Besides the point.

Hunting purely for sport, just to put a deers head on ur wall (which my uncle incidentally has as well).. I'm not with that.

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If you not hunting for food then I can’t respect you. I can’t go out in the wild and hunt a lion or elephant. They all playing their part in regulating the ecosystem
I remember William Munny saying he doesn't eat vegetables. I ain't seen that guy round these parts for awhile dude probably rocking a constipation induced intestinal blockage right now.

Domestic house cats.

I was about to write that. I've seen it personally one night out on the street. Just Toying with the poor mouse, it didn't seem intent on eating it or I assume it would have just gone straight in for the kill.
On black baby jesus I would violate this nigga

If you gon hunt.

you gotta eat the animal or use it’s coat to make clothes or something.

Can just kill it and do nothing with it.

Unless it’s them damn wild boar fucking up the environment and other animals because they don’t belong there.
It's troublesome seeing rich white men going overseas to Africa to murder those incredible creatures... Like is there some strange exoticising going on there? An extension of the belief the motherland is a wild land ripe for extraction? Or do they just got their eye on the prize of any big game?