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The Earth is not flat, but it is hollow?

Hello everyone,

I came across an interesting theory in regards to the Earth while looking at Mars surface video via NASA's Curiosity Rover on YouTube. The theory is that the Earth has giant holes in the North and South Poles that leads to a large hollow center. For the last few days, in my spare time, I have been reading / watching various materials on this subject matter. I really don't know what to believe at this point.


(I don't care for the outer-space aliens references.)

All the videos included in this post are extremely short, so don't avoid watching them...

Short History channel discussion...

(Video has some nice 3d graphics)

Short science / psuedo-science videos...

(Video title is misleading, but still interesting. NASA has nothing to do with the video.)

(Blah, blah... it has some nice facts for the shit you can understand.)

A nice and simple Top 10 list of facts...

You can read the article or watch the video, your choice...



(The whole globes are hollow fact is stupid, but the rest are okay...)

What do you guys think? Could it be possible that the Earth is hollow?
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@Joshua Sanchez, very smart and well-informed youngster across all subject matters...

@Dumanji, you keep shit simple and have an opened-mind...

@Kandy, is this a good enough thread for you? So...

@IP360, do you ever think of anything else outside of big booty hoes? (Just joking) So...

...tell us what you think?
It's pseudoscience, it doesn't explain plate tectonics, gravity, the magnetic field, how the earth hasn't collapsed in on itself from it's weight and the fact that multiple asteroids and meteors have hit the earth without the "hollow earth" cracking and shattering from the impact.

Then there's the sun's gravity and the moon's gravity not ripping the planet apart etc
I can't say I have studied this enough to have a real opinion. But I have always followed Egyptian ideology when I comes to certain things. Give me a day or two and I will come back with a real answer.
There are large caves that we know of that contain ecosystems within themselves.... so to say that there may even be bigger enclaves than that in the huge layer just beneath the crust of the earth isn't that much of a stretch in my opinion.

Not to say that I believe in an entirely different earth on the inside though
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I think there are caves and shit like that just under the surface but I don't the earth is hollow.
We haven't even fully explored the earth's ocean. So anything is possible.
i guess this would explain sink holes....

but all in out i think man is extremely arrogant...

we prolly know less than 10% about this planet on the real forreal....

even less than that about the universe around us.....

we stay thinking we smart...i'd argue we dumb as shit forreal.....
Type into Google......."what's going on in Anartica". Let your mind get warped and thought process change up

I wasn't sure if you was trolling or not in your first reply, but it appears you are with the shit, LOL.

I'll be sure to look that up later today. Thanks for your contribution.
antarctica is supposedly uninhabitable....

bull fucking shit.......

bull fucking shit.........


this is how i feel about global warming....
i read it somewhere, i'm sure i didn't make it up....

i'm pretty creative and imaginative.... but i know this isn't an original thought...

global warming is basically the planet Earth's fever

you get a fever when you're sick....
it's the body's defense to an foreign body.....and it attempts to kill it by raising the body's temperature.....to unsafe levels...

we're essentially the virus infecting the earth, and global warming is the fever...

we're gonna die.....and the earth's temperature will return to normal
they don't know either bruh...

an asteroid could be heading here riht now, and them niggaz won't know till too late...

i work in conjunction with the space telescope science institute at my new site


every now n then we meet up and discuss this shit....

we know so little it's fucking scary......like the best technology we have knows jack shit bruh...

these scientist niggaz be knocked on their asses with shock and disbelief like twice a month with pictures from space....

they can't explain a large majority of the shit we pull from the telescopes....

my bot who prints the shit off, sometimes asks me to come by to help him get the presentations ready for their meetings

like there be whole booklets of shit...50+ pictures and these nigga be meeting to try to figure out what the shit is....

they know nothing fam.... nothing
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