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The Debt ceiling is approaching, defaulting can wipe out $15 Trillion dollars of wealth for households and lose 6 million jobs



Default on debt would cost millions of jobs, wipe out trillions in wealth: research

A new analysis spells out damning effects the nation could see if the federal government defaults on the national debt, from millions of job losses to trillions in household wealth being wiped out.
As Congress struggles to find a way to raise or suspend the debt ceiling — with Republicans digging in against doing so — a report published by Moody’s Analytics this week depicts a grim scenario the country could face as it teeters toward an unprecedented default.
If congressional leadership fails in their race against the clock to address the debt limit, the analysis forecasted an economic downturn reminiscent of the fall of 2008.
“A similar crisis, characterized by spiking interest rates and plunging equity prices, would be ignited. Short-term funding markets, which are essential to the flow of credit that helps finance the economy’s day-to-day activities, likely would shut down as well. The economic recovery would quickly be in jeopardy,” the analysis stated.
The research found, citing simulations of the Moody’s Analytics model of the nation’s economy, that the nation could lose nearly 6 million jobs.
“That means real GDP would decline almost 4 percent peak to trough,” it said, adding that “the unemployment rate would surge back to close to 9 percent” and “stock prices would be cut almost in one-third at the worst of the selloff, wiping out $15 trillion in household wealth.”
“Treasury yields, mortgage rates, and other consumer and corporate borrowing rates spike, at least until the debt limit is resolved and Treasury payments resume. Even then, rates never fall back to where they were previously. Since U.S. Treasury securities no longer would be risk free, future generations of Americans would pay a steep economic price,” the report states.
On Tuesday evening, the House passed a bill along party lines to suspend the debt limit and avert a government shutdown roughly a week before the current fiscal year is scheduled to end.

It now heads to the Senate, where it faces an uphill battle as Republicans have vowed to block legislation to address the debt ceiling, instead calling on Democrats to include the language in a forthcoming $3.5 trillion social spending they plan to pass without GOP support using a procedural move known as reconciliation.

However, Democrats have insisted Republicans work with them to address the debt limit, pointing to the multiple instances both parties did so under prior administrations.

"Even when President Trump was in office, Democrats worked three times with Republicans to suspend the debt ceiling, because it was the right and obvious thing to do," Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) said this month.

It remains unclear exactly how long lawmakers have to address the debt ceiling.

Currently, the Treasury Department has said it’s been employing "extraordinary measures" to prevent the U.S. from defaulting on its debt.

Earlier this month, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said it will no longer be able to take such steps at some point in October, upping the pressure Congress to move quickly to take action.
The wild thing is that the government essentially works for rich people. This is all posturing, there is absolutely no fucking way, these rich folks that pay the amount of money they pay government officials to do shit like poison water sources to save mere millions in costs in manufacturing..are gonna let their toy boys fuck up their money. That shit with GameStop, mufuckas put a halt to tradin cause they were I danger to lose a lot. Straight said fuck the facade of a free market..shut that down right now. And these the folks that gonna let the politicians they pay, default on America’s debt? Never gonna happen, the extorted cant control those that extort them.

Senate Republicans on Monday blocked a bill that would fund the government and suspend the U.S. borrowing limit. The GOP opposed the House-approved bill because it included a provision to suspend the debt ceiling, a task Republicans say ought to be up to Democrats alone.

Republicans want Democrats to raise or suspend the debt ceiling by including a provision in their $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

Government funding and the debt ceiling are separate issues.

The U.S. government will shut down at the end of September if lawmakers fail to approve a new funding or appropriations bill. In that case, government agencies must send thousands of federal employees home and operate at a limited capacity until funding is resumed.

Raising or suspending the debt ceiling does not authorize new federal spending, but rather allows Treasury to honor debts already incurred during the Trump and Biden administrations. Even if the Biden administration had passed no new spending initiatives in 2021, lawmakers would still have to raise or suspend the ceiling.

Republicans approved three such debt-ceiling increases or suspensions during the Trump administration, under which the national debt rose by roughly $8 trillion.

Senator Kennedy just sonned the hell out of Janet Yellen.

Basically pointed out to her that the democrats control the house.........senate.............and the presidency.

And that the only reason for this debt ceiling problem is because they want republican hands on it so that the democratic party doesn't have to take full responsibility if something goes wrong.
The wild thing is that the government essentially works for rich people. This is all posturing, there is absolutely no fucking way, these rich folks that pay the amount of money they pay government officials to do shit like poison water sources to save mere millions in costs in manufacturing..are gonna let their toy boys fuck up their money. That shit with GameStop, mufuckas put a halt to tradin cause they were I danger to lose a lot. Straight said fuck the facade of a free market..shut that down right now. And these the folks that gonna let the politicians they pay, default on America’s debt? Never gonna happen, the extorted cant control those that extort them.
Another fun fact: US GDP growth in 2021 is up 6.39%. For the quarter ending June 30th it's up 12% which is the highest quarterly rise since 1942 which saw GDP growth for the quarter at 18.89% when the US was experiencing record growth rates and ushering itself to become the world super power.

That also means that officially the US is out of recession. If you're invested and thought this year was a big year of gains ? 2022 and 2023 are gonna be enormous and probably even better.
I'm not knowledgeable enough to agree or disagree but with inflation, bubbling house market, and the supply chain crisis that's looking to get worse soon, how is recession not a threat currently?