Active Member
i see a lot of people doing this....and im no expert but I disagree
those stocks that you're holding that dont seem to be doing much are probably the most solid thing you have.....they just grow slow....those are your long terms imo....check the 5 year growth percentage on those and it'll be a little more clear
i would keep those and forget about em.....start taking like $40-$50 you wont miss like every 2 weeks and put in whatever account you're using...i like to keep some on deck (in my rh wallet for example) so i can shoot as soon as I see a good dip
shit seems to happen early in the day more often but thats just my experience.....i was wrong on one and im like $50 in the hole on that shit rn
Yeah. I didn’t get out of stocks until this year. I seen the light. Kept a safety net, tho. Even though I believed it wasn’t needed.