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The Cry Closet

whats funny is our responses kinda points at whats been an issue for a long time tho

internalizing and self medicating

we laugh about therapy and other people's ways of coping

I personally never tried it once....it could have helped
You couldn't put that shit in the school I'm teaching now. That box would be fucked up in three hours. I'm sure one of those whores in my school would've gotten pregnant in it by weeks end. Someone definitely would've been topped off in it.
There should be a Chonic closet/room instead. Blaze up, neutralize the negative energy and get back to business

Back in the day there used to be a smoking area for students at my high school.

A 40-50 ft strip officially school-sanctioned and right outside in between the cafeteria and the auditorium.

Didn't think much of it at the time, but kinda crazy thinking about it now because there's no way something like that would even be considered in this day and age.
That is a perfect set up for a joke. when who ever uses that closet gets done and steps out , that's when the school comedian points and yell's "look whos coming out of the closet!"
I'm sure there's probably some rules and regulations.

The closet is probably for one person at a time.

You can't be sneaking some broad in there.