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Is TikToc a good barometer how today’s youth is as a whole?

Yeah definitely every child even if they don't have a tic tok account is aware and in-tune with it. It's that or YouTube. This trend of watching homemade YouTube shows is wild.
I knew Tik Tok was gonna be the voice of the new generation when Kellyanne conway's daughter told the world her and her mother caught Covid
I ain’t one to laugh at others misfortunes but I saw on boxden, some cat said “Richard Sherman is no longer a free agent, he got picked up by the police”

that made me chuckle
We overstated, we underrated, we educated
The corner was our time when time stood still and
Gators and snakeskins in
Yellow and pink and collared blue
Profiles glorifying them
The corner was our magic, our music, our politics
Fires raised as tribal dances and war cries
Broke out on different corners
Power to the people
Black power
Black is beautiful
The corner was our Rock of Gibraltar, our Stonehenge
Our Taj Mahal, our monument
Our testimonial to freedom, to peace, and to love
Down on the corner
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