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Yo this some bitch ass shit. 5 feet gotta drop before they shutting the city down.
I'm actually infuriated looking at that lil bullshit. My balcony worst than that.

When i got up this morning and looked outside i was thinking we would have to go to the office. Turned the news on and NOPE, work remote today.......I've replied to 2 emails today.

We supposed to get it pretty bad Monday - Wednesday next week though. Got groceries being delivered Saturday morning.
Imagine me on hold right now waiting for the bank to tell me how $1788 just showed up in my account.

I would have just pulled the shit out and threw it in another account but it's on hold. I want my mystery money NOW.

Finna pause this jbp and go karen when they take me off hold.
Yoooooo, so today at work we were doing a required HR course about violence in or at the work place. And when you get done with the lesson you have to take a multiple choice test.

So one of the answers kept being one of your choices was a made up guy who had the most hiliarious reactions to shit. At least to me..

So one of the scenarios was, "you are walking a female co worker to her car at night. When you arrive her husband is bashing her car with a bat. And as you approach his attention is switched to yall and he starts patting the bat in his hand."

Do you A. Follow procedures and alert security

Do you B. Proactively call the cops on your phone .

Do you C. "Say, she told me they were having relationship issues, but she never said anything about a bat. So you retreat from the situation and let her fend for herself"

Fam..I was fucking dying at that shit. So in a web base meeting I bring that shit up and I'm laughing so hard I cant get through it. I get done and the room is silent.

I'm like.

.oh, I guess I'm the only one that found that funny

That story would've been different if that was two blacks and becky's apartment. Would've been beaten, shot, pummeled to the ground, etc... Took they sweet time to question and get answers from them thugs.
The dumbest shit is they asking the cacs the apartment number ... what if they answer all the questions correctly they get to stay?
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