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Why is there always so much things about overcoming emotions and not much about dealing with emotions.

Talking about what fear feels like, anger feels like, loneliness feels like, happiness feel like. What these things feel like how you process these things. In a healthy way.

There are only things about how you ignore these feelings and overcome them. All it does it informs people how to push their emotions done till they explode.

Reminds me of the “serenity now” chant from Seinfeld..
Can we change the name of this joint to "Dear Diary..."?
That’s inconsiderate and insensitive. Some of the stuff I write here is for me because it’s something I’m pondering and I times a different perspective is helpful from those that would like to consider what I wrote.

And at the same time, based on what I just said. The world doesn’t as a whole teach us how to consider our feelings and emotions. A lot of us didn’t or don’t come from families that teach us how to process our emotions. Others are good at hiding that they have emotions.

It can lead some to think they are weak or something is wrong with them because they experience things that others don’t. I write this stuff for them as well. I get that y’all feel like y’all above this or whatever else. It would have helped me so I know it can help others.
That’s inconsiderate and insensitive. Some of the stuff I write here is for me because it’s something I’m pondering and I times a different perspective is helpful from those that would like to consider what I wrote.

And at the same time, based on what I just said. The world doesn’t as a whole teach us how to consider our feelings and emotions. A lot of us didn’t or don’t come from families that teach us how to process our emotions. Others are good at hiding that they have emotions.

It can lead some to think they are weak or something is wrong with them because they experience things that others don’t. I write this stuff for them as well. I get that y’all feel like y’all above this or whatever else. It would have helped me so I know it can help others.
Do you have friends in real life?
Do you have friends in real life?
Friends and family and I am the same exact way wit them as I am with y’all. Who I am here is who I am. Check out my podcast and you’ll hear stories on such things. Now, do I have as much friends as you or other here? Absolutely not..absolutely not. Some of the shit I post here comes from conversations with friends. You’ll only meet but so much people in life that are honest and vulnerable, I use this platform to reach out to those here that are. We can’t all be MLK or Malcom X. We can’t all go down in history as the ones that made grand gestures at change. But that doesn’t mean that in every way possible, we shouldn’t try to enact that same spirit in small ways. I don’t need yall to think I’m cool. I don’t care
@Punctual And Organized

You’re alright with me man…don’t let these niggas get to you. The same people (women and men) that complain about your posts be reading DU’s long ass unnecessary stories or someone else’s long ass posts

They full of shit you not doing nothing wrong they just don’t like you.
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That’s inconsiderate and insensitive. Some of the stuff I write here is for me because it’s something I’m pondering and I times a different perspective is helpful from those that would like to consider what I wrote.

And at the same time, based on what I just said. The world doesn’t as a whole teach us how to consider our feelings and emotions. A lot of us didn’t or don’t come from families that teach us how to process our emotions. Others are good at hiding that they have emotions.

It can lead some to think they are weak or something is wrong with them because they experience things that others don’t. I write this stuff for them as well. I get that y’all feel like y’all above this or whatever else. It would have helped me so I know it can help others.

I'm sorry, man.
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