Welcome To aBlackWeb

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One thing that I am becoming aware of on the journey of self discovery and healing. Is that being intelligent is not the hindrance I thought it was. With my knowledge of mental health and growth, it became hard for me to work through problems because I have a good level of self awareness and my intellect helps me know logically what I need to do.

which makes it harder because knowing isn’t the same as doing. But knowing makes you keeningly aware of how you are failing by not doing. Making you harder on yourself, which exasperates into more not doing.

But when you take in consideration the amount of people who are on this same journey and clueless of what it is, who they are, how who they are wraps into what they are dealing with. They aren’t even reaching around in the dark. They don’t even know to reach around in the dark. They are sitting in a chair in the middle of a pitch black room. Hearing sounds and feeling touches from things they can’t see. Super emotional and terrified.

Contrasting that with being aware of being in the room and knowing the room has a purpose so I can at least try to find it. I think the intellectual, logical, and self aware have a better deal. It’s not as bad a deal as I thought it was.
Thinkin back...it's amazing how some folks could make a simple gesture like dabbing...so damn cringe-worthy.

Glad that shyt died out.
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