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Sometimes I be out and about doing random shit and a chick will be talking to me. Ask me a simple question and I give her a simple answer and she keep asking me questions and be squirming around while she talk..and I be thinking what da fuck is wrong with her..

then I remember..oh yea

I’m handsome as fuck

Sometimes yo..I get mad that I can’t really really appreciate how fucking good I look. Man I got high one day and for some reason when I’m high I can see myself like I haven’t seen this same face for years. Like this is my first time seeing me. I was looking at myself in the mirror and thought..it’s scary how good I look. I smiled and winked at myself and thought..how da fuck do women function around you b..u sexy as fuck
Sometimes I be out and about doing random shit and a chick will be talking to me. Ask me a simple question and I give her a simple answer and she keep asking me questions and be squirming around while she talk..and I be thinking what da fuck is wrong with her..

then I remember..oh yea

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I’m handsome as fuck

Sometimes yo..I get mad that I can’t really really appreciate how fucking good I look. Man I got high one day and for some reason when I’m high I can see myself like I haven’t seen this same face for years. Like this is my first time seeing me. I was looking at myself in the mirror and thought..it’s scary how good I look. I smiled and winked at myself and thought..how da fuck do women function around you b..u sexy as fuck

It's good that you love yourself and believe that you look good. Cuddling by yourself can be tough during this season.
Blood if females ain't the craziest muhfuckas behind the wheel man

I'm leaving a store bout to cross a busy street and I see this chick double parks by a car when there's ample space in front and behind the car. That's the first thing.
Secondly this bih just walks out her car and crosses the street to go to a store.

It's a busy enough street but it's not super lit. So I do what I don't usually and that's say something to stupid people. I'm like miss you gonna want to throw on your hazards at least.

Bitch looked at me like I was speaking swahili or some shit.
I'm like welp. Hope for the worst bitch, peace.
Tf man
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